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macrumors 68000
Original poster
May 26, 2006
Everyone, Nikon Imaging has on their site a flash animation announcing that in 20 days the next Nikon DSLR will be announced. No real details other than a shadowy image of the camera, and the fact that it will be 10mp and a great camera...

Most likely it will be coming in to replace the D70S, with a price point i'll guess between 899 and 1099 USD (on par with the D70s until the latest end-of-life price drop) with a nice feature set :)

See the animation here:

I like what I see!


macrumors 65816
Jun 17, 2003
Cincinnati, OH
It does look like an update for the D70s from the style of the body, I wonder what will make people buy the D200 now over this one...


macrumors 601
Mar 29, 2004
Boston, MA
strange timing. sony just released their A100, 10MP, $899. if they had released/announced the nikon 3 weeks earlier they could have taken away many customers from sony. i will be one of them. i have some minolta lenses and i like the sony. so i will buy it soon.


macrumors 6502a
Apr 22, 2005
cool, lets hope this is just what I have been waiting for. I guess this will be downgraded D200.

Clix Pix

macrumors Core
My hunch is that this is going to be at a point between the D50 and the D200 in terms of features and weight, perhaps being lighter and using an SD card like the D50 while having more megapixels like the D200. Chances are that the D70s will quietly fade away....

Chip NoVaMac

macrumors G3
Dec 25, 2003
Northern Virginia
andiwm2003 said:
strange timing. sony just released their A100, 10MP, $899. if they had released/announced the nikon 3 weeks earlier they could have taken away many customers from sony. i will be one of them. i have some minolta lenses and i like the sony. so i will buy it soon.

Really not too late. IMO Nikon did it steal thunder from deliveries that Sony is just starting to make.

The tag lines of: more power, more control, more versatile, more excitement - are interesting.

Here are my guesses. In 19 days, it will be interesting to see how close I come. :)

More power, could mean the 10.2mp sensor, and the improved battery handling of the EL3E battery.

More control, could mean the same ISO handling as the D200 to ISO 3200. Along with settings for different FPS rates. In order to keep this new camera from affecting the D200, I expect 3.5 FPS. Along with at least of 75% of the D200's "fine tuning" capabilities.

More versatile, could mean the three group CLS capability for flash work. Maybe a grip option, finally. Greater compatibility with the 10 pin connector for things like the D200 cable release (meaning an easier upgrade path).

More excitement, could mean built-in VR (the new Sony and and the new Pentax K100D will have it). A dream for those with VR and VRII lenses will be an additional 1 to 2 stops of VR over what we already have with these lenses. It could also mean built-in sensor cleaning like the Olympus DSLR's. I expect this new Nikon to meet or beat the cost of the new Sony. In particular beat it, if it does not have built-in VR or sensor cleaning. I also thing that it may feature the use of both SD and CF cards.

Back in the film days, Canon and Nikon had completive models at very close price points. The DSLR being young, changes that expectation IMO. The XT and D50 are close, but are deserving their price differences in todays market. The same can be said for the 20D/30D vs the D70s. And the D200 is in a league of its own for now.

I will predict end of 2006/early 2007 pricing for at least Nikon. The new unnamed camera body will be between $750-1000. The D200 will fall to between $1300-1500 for the body. And a replacement to the D50 (which might have an 8mp sensor, 2.5FPS, and smaller improvements) to go for $400 to $500.

These are only predictions. Our Nikon rep generally finds out about new bodies at the same time we all do, when it is posted on the web. :eek: Will have to see just how close I come in the next 19 days, and beyond.

Chip NoVaMac

macrumors G3
Dec 25, 2003
Northern Virginia
HckySo said:
So it's going to be a D200 without the goodies?

Sort of IMO, depending on what goodies you are thinking of. In the DSLR arena Nikon IMO has done a poor job of making clear why as one model over another. That is why we saw the death of the D100 IMO when the D70 came out. And the same reason that the D50 took sales away from the D70s. I just hope that there is enough differences to keep the D200 viable. The body construction of the D200 may be enough, but not if Nikon goes with lets say the same firmware as the D200, but doing 4FPS.

Unless Nikon has a surprise up their sleeves with a D300 at Photokina. I hope not, since it would totally tick off the Nikon base IMO. Again IMO (keep in mind I work for a dealer, so I have to be careful - since some may look at my comments as being inside info. With forums, blogs, and the such - manufactures I think have given up on the idea of the NDA), Nikon is a loose canon in respect to consumer expectations in the infancy of the DSLR.

Chip NoVaMac

macrumors G3
Dec 25, 2003
Northern Virginia
FrankieTDouglas said:
Excellent, I just bought a D70s two months ago.

Don't worry, the D70s will give you many happy snaps for years to come.

But how do you think I feel in that I bought a D50 back at the first of the year? That I added a second Nikon to my Nikon kit, a D70s just before Memorial Day? Then deciding that the different interfaces was a bit much and added a second D70s for my color "speed" shooting. And then converting the D50 to digital IR?

Disappointed? Yes. But I will make do for a while. I will try not to be caught up in the glamor of the new specs. That is how I decided that the D70s was the better way to go for my needs.


macrumors 68000
Mar 10, 2005
True. While I think it's cool that Nikon's putting out a new body, I also wonder...

What will the availability be? They have the d200 right now, their 18-200 VR, the 105 VR... and I NEVER see any of them available anywhere. So sure bring out a new body, but why not up the production of their CURRENT products?

I bought the D70s instead of the D200 because I didn't feel like waiting until midsummer to get something. If they release this new product, I wonder when it'll actually be in stores on a consistent basis.


macrumors 68000
Original poster
May 26, 2006
FrankieTDouglas said:
True. While I think it's cool that Nikon's putting out a new body, I also wonder...

What will the availability be? They have the d200 right now, their 18-200 VR, the 105 VR... and I NEVER see any of them available anywhere. So sure bring out a new body, but why not up the production of their CURRENT products?

I bought the D70s instead of the D200 because I didn't feel like waiting until midsummer to get something. If they release this new product, I wonder when it'll actually be in stores on a consistent basis.

Probably it will be out pretty quickly and they'll be doing their best to get it out as fast as possible. Supply of their DSLRs has been unable to meet runaway demand...and lately the D50 and D70S are starting to go otu of stock everywhere, while the D200 is getting in stock and meeting demand for the first time. This tells me the D70S production line has probably been diverted, and more resources are being devoted elsewhere.

Nikon also discontinued a large number of lenses and cameras in the 35mm arena recently, probably to allow themselves to allocate those resources to the lenses and cameras they need to get moving


macrumors 6502a
Jan 23, 2006
I bought my D70s 3 months ago :eek: .
Very nice camera but should i try to sell it and buy me one of the this.

Clix Pix

macrumors Core
Chip NoVaMac said:
That is why we saw the death of the D100 IMO when the D70 came out. And the same reason that the D50 took sales away from the D70s. I just hope that there is enough differences to keep the D200 viable. The body construction of the D200 may be enough, but not if Nikon goes with lets say the same firmware as the D200, but doing 4FPS.

I think that the D70 was such a success because it was more affordable and probably seemed less complicated to people who had been using Coolpixes for a while and who were ready to move on the time the D70s hit the streets, there were already many happy D70 users and rumors were flying about the D200. The D50 came along in time to hit the next wave of those P&S shooters who had seen more and more of their friends and relatives using a D70 or other DSLR and were intrigued....and the D50, with its smaller size and configuration geared to the "moving-up-from-the-P&S-crowd" was immediately appealing, more so than the D70s. Again the D50 probably seems less complicated to the novice, and certainly it was more affordable. That lighter weight can't be underestimated as a selling factor for many people. Those who had used SLRs in the past would probably be more attracted to the D70/D70s than to the D50.... and then of course along came the D200. Many D70 users immediately jumped to it and of course Nikon couldn't keep up with demand....

I think that this new model will probably sound the death knell of the D70s, and that it will no longer be available within a short period of time because potential buyers of it will have already either bought the D200 or will be eagerly reaching for this new model. Just my guess, of course. Many people will be attracted to the 10+ megapixels, regardless of what other features the new camera does or does not have. If it's smaller and lighter weight, not to mention less expensive than the D200, again that will be an important feature for some buyers, whereas others will be more concerned about actual specfic camera functions.

I am guessing that this model is being released to knock some Canon model or other (XT? 30D?) out of the running in the hearts of prospective buyers, rather than to put dents in the popularity of current Nikon models, but we'll all just have to see.

ETA: I'm thinking that the "more versatile" means that the camera is capable of using either SD or CF cards, which would be a very good thing. I know that for me and probably others, the minute I heard the D50 used SD cards that was a deal-killer. If this new camera offers a choice, that will please everybody.

Me, I'm happy with my D200...


macrumors 65816
I have no regrets buying my D70, even though I missed a price drop by a couple of weeks.

Technology keeps on moving. Sure the latest-greatest would be nice, but I doubt there will be any new features I can's live without. It will be at least another generation before I replace my camera.

All that said, I am still very interested in seeing what Nikon pulls out of their bag this time around!!


macrumors 65816
Jan 5, 2002
I love my D70s (originally had the D70 but it suffered from a malfunction and thanks to best buy I got a D70s upgrade!). If Nikon does come out with a replacement and it is within the same price range then I might consider an upgrade in a year+ or so.. but honestly, the D70s is more then enough of a camera for me in terms of quality. Nikon would need to do something more then upgrade the megpaixels for me to upgrade my camera right now.


macrumors Nehalem
Feb 19, 2005
I've had my d70 for two years. It was indeed my first digital purchase, dragging me away from my large and medium format shooting as well as my cherished Nikon F4. There is nothing better than the F4 except maybe the F5. With that in mind, I've always had my eye on the D1x, then the D2x, but I simply fill my days with too much to even shoot much at all. This needs to change.
I wanted the D200 and considered buying it, but now I think I am going to hang onto my D70, which is quite capable, and move towards a D2x or the Canon line if things don't start changing with Nikon.

I believe Nikon has sat back seat for a while in the digital age with the most random product releases and updates. I am a true blue Nikon fan, having owned only Nikons for 15 years, Minolta for years before that. However, I'm in agreement that there is no clear reason to go from one to another in terms of accessories and such. To me the D70 is fantastic, but in theory, there should be a D50 to call attention to the point and shoot folks who need minimal functions but desire to learn more. A D200 for the D70 folks. A person who is an advanced amateur photog and perhaps a semi-pro looking for a 2nd body to toss around a war zone and then the D2h and D2x lines for sports and pro whatever. The d70 seems like a bridge or a reason to spend more money. If you're not ready for the plunge from the d50 to the d200 then stay awhile with the d70. It just seems that is how it has turned out. I for one am not sure I like this, but then again it is genius if you think about it in the business sense.

Anyway, my logic is probably fuzzy at best, but one thing is for sure when I saw Nikon's page the other day I was simply excited to see the unveiling!

Chip NoVaMac

macrumors G3
Dec 25, 2003
Northern Virginia
ejb190 said:
I have no regrets buying my D70, even though I missed a price drop by a couple of weeks.

A good shop will do their best to price protect for a price drop after a couple weeks (though for some customers it seems, a couple of weeks may mean a month or better. :eek: ).

Chip NoVaMac

macrumors G3
Dec 25, 2003
Northern Virginia
The waters are totally muddy now!

Spoke to our Nikon rep today. This new camera is not a replacement to the D70s, and said that the D50 will continue as current models. So this new model may be pegged to fit in a $900 to $1100 price point IMO. This makes the specs even harder to judge, other than the 10mp. :eek:

Pistol Pete

macrumors 6502a
Jan 6, 2005
Chip NoVaMac said:
Spoke to our Nikon rep today. This new camera is not a replacement to the D70s, and said that the D50 will continue as current models. So this new model may be pegged to fit in a $900 to $1100 price point IMO. This makes the specs even harder to judge, other than the 10mp. :eek:

Thanks for the info Chip.

Chip NoVaMac

macrumors G3
Dec 25, 2003
Northern Virginia
Pistol Pete said:
Thanks for the info Chip.

You are welcome. I will have to double check on what I can say here. The only thing that I can say is that the D50 and D70s are still current products. And the new camera is NOT a replacement to the D70s according to our Nikon rep.

Only 18 more days to see if this all true or not.
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