I'm searching for the "new" mac pro benchmark. Especially the 12 core 2.4 ghz. I'm unsure if the 2.4ghz was a BTO option but I can't find benchmark info.
This URL has only 2 12-core options and none are 2.4. I know clock speed is not THAT important but it does seem a bit low so I'm wondering if it would make that much of a difference for what I do .
I'll be using it for photoshop, web design and programming and running 2 or more VMs: 1 linux (web server) and 1 Windows 7 which will run constant Mutlicharts day trading strategies (multi charts is multi core aware).
Just trying to decide if I'll go for a 12 core or if a 4 or 6 core would be ok. It's a bad update but the price is actually not that bad compared to what it was for 12 core.
I don't think I can wait until late 2013 for a (possible) upgrade which may suck (who knows they may try and go all SSD or something strange like that). Don't really care for usb 3 or thunderbolt either.
This URL has only 2 12-core options and none are 2.4. I know clock speed is not THAT important but it does seem a bit low so I'm wondering if it would make that much of a difference for what I do .
I'll be using it for photoshop, web design and programming and running 2 or more VMs: 1 linux (web server) and 1 Windows 7 which will run constant Mutlicharts day trading strategies (multi charts is multi core aware).
Just trying to decide if I'll go for a 12 core or if a 4 or 6 core would be ok. It's a bad update but the price is actually not that bad compared to what it was for 12 core.
I don't think I can wait until late 2013 for a (possible) upgrade which may suck (who knows they may try and go all SSD or something strange like that). Don't really care for usb 3 or thunderbolt either.