I just opened my new MacBook Pro and it has been over 2 hours and the computer is still updating software. Is this normal? I have never waited this long to software update a new computer. Wondering if I should return it.
I just opened my new MacBook Pro and it has been over 2 hours and the computer is still updating software. Is this normal? I have never waited this long to software update a new computer. Wondering if I should return it.
Without any context at all the answer have to be for you to wait to see what happens.
Two hours qualifies as annoying, nothing more, and you probably wouldn't even have the time to actually get back to the store before it's done with its thing.
What model MBP? What OS is it running? Are you connected to Wifi or Ethernet and what is your internet speed? A lot of people confuse "preparing update" to downloading the installer file.