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Original poster
Jan 9, 2007
Seattle WA
Hi, I just got my new iMac a couple of days ago. And it has been amazing. BUT it has an issue I haven't experienced before. It freezes up. The OS will get slower and slower and slower then stop responding. I'm forced to do a hard reboot and that fixes the problem. Before I call Apple I wanted to make sure it isn't something I installed that I could fix by preventing. The last crash I was using excel with Macros enabled. Thoughts?
[doublepost=1502467860][/doublepost]So I believe strongly that it is the excel macros don't work with Excel 2016 for Mac. I found a post that indicates that the Mac won't crash at once but will slowly start crashing and OS will ultimately stop responding. It would be nice if Apple would just crash the app versus letting the app crash the computer. .... :(
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