Ive had a macbook pro for about a year now running leopard, im a pro photographer & all i can say is GREAT, no probs, no trubble, very pleased..
two weeks ago realising i'm expanding etc thought it was time to get a desk top, big screen for image editing, big hard drive to store all my pics, quad-core for speed, thought rite apple all the way, great laptop before so did'nt even think once never mind twice about there being any issues with the 27" imac's. This is apple what could be wrong!!!!!???
went out bought the 27"imac 2.66quad-core 4gb ram, 1tb HD, got it home stared it up all fine then went to images in google would'nt show the pictures!! tried, firefox, yahoo,google,reset after reset after reinstallation after reinstallation!!! still NO joy... any name i typed in everything did what it was meant to "1,750,000 found in 0.06 of a sec" and at the top loading and loading, then empty square boxes were the pics should of been but no pictures!!??
tried to install google earth, after installation, clicked on it everything came up apart from the earth lol rang apple support 5 times still no joy
ANY IDEAS PLEASE FOKES????? really disappointed car'nt believe im having this trouble, thought apple was bullet proof!!!
Ive had a macbook pro for about a year now running leopard, im a pro photographer & all i can say is GREAT, no probs, no trubble, very pleased..
two weeks ago realising i'm expanding etc thought it was time to get a desk top, big screen for image editing, big hard drive to store all my pics, quad-core for speed, thought rite apple all the way, great laptop before so did'nt even think once never mind twice about there being any issues with the 27" imac's. This is apple what could be wrong!!!!!???
went out bought the 27"imac 2.66quad-core 4gb ram, 1tb HD, got it home stared it up all fine then went to images in google would'nt show the pictures!! tried, firefox, yahoo,google,reset after reset after reinstallation after reinstallation!!! still NO joy... any name i typed in everything did what it was meant to "1,750,000 found in 0.06 of a sec" and at the top loading and loading, then empty square boxes were the pics should of been but no pictures!!??
tried to install google earth, after installation, clicked on it everything came up apart from the earth lol rang apple support 5 times still no joy
ANY IDEAS PLEASE FOKES????? really disappointed car'nt believe im having this trouble, thought apple was bullet proof!!!