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macrumors regular
Original poster
Mar 7, 2008
I'll be unpacking a std. 3.06 shortly, besides the yellow tint, what other symptoms should I look for right away? I thought there was a big thread on it, but can't find it with all the issues.
yellow tint

backlight bleed (can use black screen from pixel test)

rattling fans

noise of spinning hard drive leaking through stand into desk.

dead/stuck iSight pixels

alignment of internal CDrom driv. On some machines it causes the CD to scratch passed the aluminium casing causing huge scratching.

flickering display

Have seen them all in different combinations in the iMacs I have tried. Have only seen 1 flicker though!

Good luck! I am waiting for a while before exchanging. Apple store near me has been very good about exchanges.
Thank you kindly.
I might be seeing a wee bit of yellow on the very bottom, not sure, will have to try it in other room lighting to verify.

Blakground bleed, there is some whiteish light leaking through on the black screen on both bottom corners, bad/good?

Pixels look fine, though I might not know what to look for:>)

Cd looks fine.

No rattling fans or vibration through to desk. No flicker I can notice.

What do I need to do now? The bleed through might be bothersome if it is indeed doing it and I know what I'm looking at.
The yellow (if it is actually here) shouldn't bother me.
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