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macrumors 65816
Original poster
Dec 28, 2002
Oak Park, IL
Of course, iChat wasn't that good to begin with (with exception to the whole A/V thing), but Adium's bland interface and features kept me going back the "Away-message-less Wonder" that is iChat.

So, all of a sudden there're new builds of Adium to download, and it's good. Really good. Lots of features, a very slick and simple interface, a menu bar icon, and enough preferences to run many circles around iChat (plus the duck icon looks really good now).

Anyway, this just kinda caught me off guard and it's very cool (and, for all I know, two week old news). I'd say this is definitely going to take iChat's place until Apple can figure out how to get those frelling away messages to work right! ;)
Well as a full supporter of Adium 1.x and 2.0, it is not a two week old venture. I highly reccomend all users here to head on over to or their forums. It is a great developer/user community. The 2.0 builds are still alpha, but they can usually be used 24/7 with no notice of this alpha-goodness.

Originally posted by saabmp3
Well as a full supporter of Adium 1.x and 2.0, it is not a two week old venture. I highly reccomend all users here to head on over to or their forums. It is a great developer/user community. The 2.0 builds are still alpha, but they can usually be used 24/7 with no notice of this alpha-goodness.

I realize Adium's been around for a while, but this new version is just so much better than the older ones.

One of my only remaining complaints is that I still can't read other people's away messages without sending them a message (maybe I missed something in the preferences, but I don't think I did).
Originally posted by pyrotoaster
One of my only remaining complaints is that I still can't read other people's away messages without sending them a message (maybe I missed something in the preferences, but I don't think I did).

did you control-click right click the name and view logs
Adium has made some weird design decisions though. Like the buddy list window - when you're not connected, it's just a titlebar!? Real bizarre.

The thing that's pulling me over toward using Adium is they're moving to the Gaim back-end now. Gaim is my favorite chat client. I actually wish there was an for-real Gaim port to OS X. It works under fink, but then you don't have the menubar icon (like you have when you use it in Linux, or the Windows port's taskbar icon), and that makes it a bit less useful. Gaim does IRC pretty well; most of the other multi-protocol chat clients don't do IRC at all or they do a really poor job of it.

Also, is there a way to replace the ducks with something else a bit less silly? Maybe they should use Gaim's graphics as well. :D
I see the 1.6 build on the website. Is that the one everyone is raving about. Or are you using the alpha versions?
I've been using adium 2 for about 3 months now, and it's wonderful. Every week or so, I'll update my Adium, and it's amazing how many things improve.

To view away messages, you need to set up your AIM account to use the LibGAIM backbone in the Adium Preferences. You cannot use the TOC account, although that is more stable.
Originally posted by Thirteenva
I see the 1.6 build on the website. Is that the one everyone is raving about. Or are you using the alpha versions?

No, they're talking about the 2.0 alpha builds, available here:

I've been using them for a while and have to agree that they're top-notch. Only a few little things that I considered "weird" here and there, but I got used to them. It's worth it for the ad-free contacts list and tabbed message windows. And event bezels (messages that fade in and then back out like OS X's semi-transparent volume adjustment indicators). :cool:
Awsome, I had forgotten about this program for a LONG time. Good to see development is on going. The new builds are quite nice.
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