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macrumors 65816
Original poster
Oct 23, 2007
My new app has been approved by Apple and went live on the App store 2 days ago, and is the #1 iPad Utility.

Speedtest X HD is a completely free application for measuring the network speed of your iPad. Use it to evaluate your WIFI network connections to get accurate speed test results. Compare your speed test result with your previous 50 tests to make sure your connection is performing as it should.

Version 1.1 Updates are:
Global and User stats for comparing your results
Multi Speedtest servers in Dallas, Los Angeles, Portland and London.

Any reason that my speedtest uses the Dallas server even thought I'm in Los Angeles?
Any reason that my speedtest uses the Dallas server even thought I'm in Los Angeles?

Multi-Server Select is not active in version 1.0. Its coming in 1.1 which should be on the store very shortly.
Congrats your app looks great!

Any comments on the accuracy of these type of apps?

I was at the Clear store and the rep told me can be off by 50%

Would be nice to see Ping times and Upload speeds...

It is on the list of features to add. I'm not 100% sure how to do a ping test just yet but I know how to do a upload test so it will be added as soon as I figure out the best test sizes for a upload test and the best way to store the files with in the app.

Congrats your app looks great!

Any comments on the accuracy of these type of apps?

I was at the Clear store and the rep told me can be off by 50%


I'm still doing some research and playing around with a few things but so far I can say that the iPad's WIFI is pretty sporadic. The speed test server I use it self is very accurate the one I currently use is hosted in The Planets Dallas DC. Sometimes I can get 16 MBPS then will test again right after and get 8 MBPS even tho nothing changed with the iPad's position or the server.

Hopefully a firmware update will make things a little better and more consistent.
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