I originally brought the Apple single button Bluetooth mouse when I brought my final rev. iBook last year. I HATED it. Not because of the lack of a right click button or extra buttons really but because of the lack of a scroll wheel. After using the scroll wheel for years I simply could not go back to the days before mice had scroll wheels. Then I ended up getting that erogonomic version 2.0 Microsoft Bluetooth Intellimouse. In case anyone wants to know the dfference between the two versions: The version 2 is the one when Microsoft added the tilt wheel, version 1 was only vertical scrolling and was not as comfortable or erogonomic as the second version. So the Apple has been sitting in my closet in it's box since last summer. Anyways, anyone find a review yet of the new mouse on the internet with pictures preferably, or has anyone who has tried the new BT MM and the Microsoft one would you say it's worth getting if you already have the version 2 MS one?
These are the Pro's and cons I can think of between them:
Microsoft BT Pros:
-Very ergonomic
-Has some "quirks" that I believe is attributed because of use with OS X such as the horizontal scrolling is WAY too slow in like Safari and basicly unusable because of this, it disconnects if you do not use it for a while and have to move it around for 5 seconds or more to restablish a connection
-Only optical tracking
-Although it still looks good in Blue, obviously doesn't match as well as an Apple mouse would
Apple MM BT Pros
-Laser tracking
-I guess horizontal scrolling would be faster and actually usable since I'm not using a Windows mouse and would not have the same minor quircks as the MS one when using on OS X
-Matches my iBook
-Not erogonomic at all
-Heard reports on the wired MM so no sure if it applies in case it has been fixed but the scroll ball can clog up real easy
By the way if anyone wants to know which Microsoft mouse I'm talking about or has no clue how it even looks like here is a link:
These are the Pro's and cons I can think of between them:
Microsoft BT Pros:
-Very ergonomic
-Has some "quirks" that I believe is attributed because of use with OS X such as the horizontal scrolling is WAY too slow in like Safari and basicly unusable because of this, it disconnects if you do not use it for a while and have to move it around for 5 seconds or more to restablish a connection
-Only optical tracking
-Although it still looks good in Blue, obviously doesn't match as well as an Apple mouse would
Apple MM BT Pros
-Laser tracking
-I guess horizontal scrolling would be faster and actually usable since I'm not using a Windows mouse and would not have the same minor quircks as the MS one when using on OS X
-Matches my iBook
-Not erogonomic at all
-Heard reports on the wired MM so no sure if it applies in case it has been fixed but the scroll ball can clog up real easy
By the way if anyone wants to know which Microsoft mouse I'm talking about or has no clue how it even looks like here is a link: