It's been 25 years since the famous "1984" commercial aired during Super Bowl XVIII, two days before the release of the first Macintosh on January 24, 1984. This commercial was an allusion to George Orwell's novel, Nineteen Eighty-Four, so the timing of the release couldn't have been better.
Unfortunately, there was no follow-up titled Two Thousand Nine to coincide with a new advertisement.
With the date of this milestone just days away and Super Bowl XLIII right around the corner, would anyone like to speculate on whether or not Apple will air another commercial during this year's event, and if so, what will the theme be?
Unfortunately, there was no follow-up titled Two Thousand Nine to coincide with a new advertisement.
With the date of this milestone just days away and Super Bowl XLIII right around the corner, would anyone like to speculate on whether or not Apple will air another commercial during this year's event, and if so, what will the theme be?