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First of all, you have to be in the developer program to get the 4.3 beta. And I don't have it yet but this is being discussed all over the web including the MacRumors home page right now. Not only 3rd party apps but web videos can also be Airplayed as well as videos in the camera roll. It's off by default and the developer just has to enable it with one line of code.
This is something that will instantly move the :apple:TV up to the top spot on my 'to be purchased' list. Just having it available in web video would be enough but if third party apps have full access to it... well, suddenly things get VERY interesting. AirVideo in particular would be on app I'd love to see get this.

Looking to the future, lot of work to do still but if you can throw any app to an :apple:TV then what's to stop someone making an office suite that lets you chuck the document on to a screen and use the iPad as a keyboard / touchpad (or do something clever like pop a 'trail' on the display screen showing where your finger(s) are on the iPad). Remember the Motorola Atrix at CES, a phone with a docking cradle that let you connect up keyboard, mouse and monitor basically making it a phone-sized laptop complete with a more desktop-style OS? In theory at least, and there are some issues to overcome with lag and the like) Apple could provide this functionality with an :apple:TV and bluetooth peripherals.
wow this is awesome!

if it can airplay to my ATV2 from my iphone the eyetv stream, I will not need a few more cable boxes....more $$$ in my pocket and less in Verizons... :) maybe with the extra, I can buy a verizon iphone... :)
Also looking forward to watching Conan, Colbert, and Stewart on the Apple TV via Sktfire with airplay.
EyeTV with video Airplay enabled is a cable killer. Air Video and Plex with video Airplay enabled are media streamer killers. Just got the new PBS app with full shows streaming and would love to throw them up on the TV. Loving my Apple TV more and more every day.
Does this work with the Photos app as well? I want to be able to beam video that I just shot on my iPhone 4 to the :apple:tv.
Does this work with the Photos app as well? I want to be able to beam video that I just shot on my iPhone 4 to the :apple:tv.

Yep, it was confirmed that videos in the Camera Roll and Photos app can now be streamed directly from the iPhone 4 with Airplay to your HDTV in full 720p/30 quality. Wish they had this out by Christmas when it would have really come in handy but better late than never!
VERY cool! So what's easier... Jailbreaking to use Cydia apps to AirPlay video or getting the beta. :D

I hope this isn't a pulled feature of 4.3. I'd hate to have it pushed into iOS 5 or later.

EDIT: Does the AppleTV need to be on 4.3 as well or just the source device?
VERY cool! So what's easier... Jailbreaking to use Cydia apps to AirPlay video or getting the beta. :D

I hope this isn't a pulled feature of 4.3. I'd hate to have it pushed into iOS 5 or later.

EDIT: Does the AppleTV need to be on 4.3 as well or just the source device?

My understanding is that for the beta you need to have your UDID registered with Apple as a developer (I believe developers can register other devices, so if you know one they might be able to add you).
I also believe 4.3 needs to put on the AppleTV as well, though I'm not sure why that would be needed (just repeating what I've read).
The problem is that for 3rd party apps, they have to enable Airplay, so just putting 4.3 on your phone and appletv won't be enough. I think there's an app in Cydia that adds the functionality and that, at least right now, might be the easiest way.
are we going to be able to use face time on our iphones and have the video on our tv,s or do you think skype will do this?
EyeTV with video Airplay enabled is a cable killer. Air Video and Plex with video Airplay enabled are media streamer killers. Just got the new PBS app with full shows streaming and would love to throw them up on the TV. Loving my Apple TV more and more every day.

eyetv uses a cable/satellite box does it not?
eyetv uses a cable/satellite box does it not?

It depends on what hardware you're talking about. The EyeTV Hybrid device uses the digital and/or analog cable coming from the wall or an antenna so you don't need a cable box. In the case of using an antenna you don't need cable service at all. And if you get internet service from cable you probably have access to the local channels in HD free that way by just connecting to the cable instead of using an antenna.

But yes you can also get hardware that uses component from things like a cable or satellite box. The EyeTV software works all kinds of hardware.
My understanding is that for the beta you need to have your UDID registered with Apple as a developer (I believe developers can register other devices, so if you know one they might be able to add you).
I also believe 4.3 needs to put on the AppleTV as well, though I'm not sure why that would be needed (just repeating what I've read).
The problem is that for 3rd party apps, they have to enable Airplay, so just putting 4.3 on your phone and appletv won't be enough. I think there's an app in Cydia that adds the functionality and that, at least right now, might be the easiest way.

The Apple TV beta doesn't require a registered device. However, it's not worth installing now as there's no third-party video support yet (and no first-party support from applications like Safari either).

In fact, the only difference I've noticed between Apple TV 4.2 and 4.3 beta is a new connection screen layout for typing in your wireless network and home sharing password.

Hopefully, more fixes are to come.
Does this work with the Photos app as well? I want to be able to beam video that I just shot on my iPhone 4 to the :apple:tv.

I guess we'll see soon enough if 4.3 enables this.

In the mean time, the free app "Quickplay" on the app store enables this as a workaround. What it does is allow you to choose one of your camera roll videos, then the app compresses the video and streams it to your Apple TV via Airplay. The compression takes anywhere from tens of seconds to a few minutes, depending on the length of the video. Not as ideal as instantly beaming the camera roll videos without compressing them first, but at least it enables you to airplay a video you just took without synching to a computer first.
I guess we'll see soon enough if 4.3 enables this.

It's a little buggy, but yes 4.3 does enable AirPlay for iPhone 4 captured video through the The only way I could get it to work is if you show a picture using AirPlay first, then your saved video.
It's a little buggy, but yes 4.3 does enable AirPlay for iPhone 4 captured video through the The only way I could get it to work is if you show a picture using AirPlay first, then your saved video.

I'm just glad to hear that they are allowing this soon. I just about threw my iphone out the window when I first tried to do that on my ATV.
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