Thinking about getting an Apple TV for our bedroom.
I already have an Apple TV on our family TV and it works great. We cut satellite and now we watch Netflix, DVDs that I've ripped and handbraked into iTunes compatible files and OTA TV. We very seldom miss satellite (except the DVR).
So now that we are addicted to Netflix we want some sort of Netflix streaming box for our bedroom. I have a couple questions to throw out to all the experts around here:
1. Any thoughts on the possibility of an Apple TV refresh with the coming iPod/iPhone refresh. I haven't heard of anything but thought it might be a possibility - maybe even just an upgrade to the A5 chip, although my Apple TV runs almost perfectly with the current chip. In other words - should I wait to purchase until next month.
2. Are there any attractive alternatives to Apple TV out there. The one thing I would really like to be able to do is to stream from DVD rip VOB folders so that I can skip the handbrake conversion step. I jailbroke my current Apple TV and tried XMBC which does play VOB folders but I need something more reliable - for my kids to use. On the other hand, iTunes integration with the Apple TV is so nice and seamless that I probably wouldn't give that up for VOB streaming alone. Anybody have ideas for an alternative?
I already have an Apple TV on our family TV and it works great. We cut satellite and now we watch Netflix, DVDs that I've ripped and handbraked into iTunes compatible files and OTA TV. We very seldom miss satellite (except the DVR).
So now that we are addicted to Netflix we want some sort of Netflix streaming box for our bedroom. I have a couple questions to throw out to all the experts around here:
1. Any thoughts on the possibility of an Apple TV refresh with the coming iPod/iPhone refresh. I haven't heard of anything but thought it might be a possibility - maybe even just an upgrade to the A5 chip, although my Apple TV runs almost perfectly with the current chip. In other words - should I wait to purchase until next month.
2. Are there any attractive alternatives to Apple TV out there. The one thing I would really like to be able to do is to stream from DVD rip VOB folders so that I can skip the handbrake conversion step. I jailbroke my current Apple TV and tried XMBC which does play VOB folders but I need something more reliable - for my kids to use. On the other hand, iTunes integration with the Apple TV is so nice and seamless that I probably wouldn't give that up for VOB streaming alone. Anybody have ideas for an alternative?