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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Feb 10, 2009
I'm a new ATV owner with a couple of questions. First, here's how my systems is set-up.

Power Mac G5 w/ iTunes (wireless to TC), 500 GB Time Capsule, both located upstairs. the new ATV is located downstairs.

1. Why is it taking "hours" to sync a couple of movies? Is it the distance between the TC & ATV?

2. How do I set-up ATV to stream? Will this let me have access to my entire library of movies at any time? Or just the movies that were on my last "sync" list?

I have followed the instructions on this site for backing up my DVD collection and everything works perfect with the new ATV. I have also backed up clips from my Pioneer DVD recorder. No problems!!
Thanks for your responses
For Number 1, is your airport extreme set to N? If your G5 is wireless to TC and only has a G card, then the entire transfer will take longer. Hardwire the G5 if possible. That should improve speed.
1. I am assuming that your Powermac G5 only has 802.11g. The Apple TV and Time Capsule have 802.11n which is a higher speed wireless connection. This is possibly why the sync is taking so long.

2. If you are able to Sync content to the Apple TV via iTunes then that computer will be already connected for streaming. To view content that will be streamed just look for it in Movies > My Movies or TV Shows > My TV Shows on the Apple TV itself. Streamed content will be mixed with synced content.
2. Same way you synced the G5 to the ATV. Select shared library and you can now go under my movies and all your G5 library will show up. PM if you have issues.
New ATV Owner


Got it!! Working perfect!! Thanks for the advice.

Now.........When I look at the ATV-movies panel in iTunes I have "checked"
selected and movies shows in the box. 2 of the 9 movies are "checked" in the list. Why does all of my movie library show on ATV? Is that streaming?

Each movie plays on ATV. It takes less than 2 minutes for the movie to start. This is how I thought it should work.

Thanks again

Got it!! Working perfect!! Thanks for the advice.

Now.........When I look at the ATV-movies panel in iTunes I have "checked"
selected and movies shows in the box. 2 of the 9 movies are "checked" in the list. Why does all of my movie library show on ATV? Is that streaming?

Each movie plays on ATV. It takes less than 2 minutes for the movie to start. This is how I thought it should work.

Thanks again

If the computer that you are sharing iTunes with is turned on and iTunes is running then all your movies will appear on the Apple TV (both Synced and Streamed) If the computer is not turned on or iTunes is not running then you will only see the synced content on the Apple TV.

I think that the reason that its taking 2 minutes for the movie to start is because its streaming it. Your network speed will have an impact on streaming. Another thing to note is that if your PowerMac G5 only has 802.11g and its connected to the TC, along with the Apple TV, you will only ever get a maximum speed of 54 Mbit/s on your network. Essentially the slowest WIFI device connected determines the overall speed of the TC network.
Each movie plays on ATV. It takes less than 2 minutes for the movie to start. This is how I thought it should work.

Thanks again

Two minutes seems a little long to me if we aren't talking HD movies. I have a 2.4 Ghz N network (5 Ghz won't reach to my Apple TV) and even though it has a weak connection (usually 26 Mbps transfer or so), the movie is ready to start in 10 seconds or so. If you have a strong g network, it should be the same.
Two minutes seems a little long to me if we aren't talking HD movies. I have a 2.4 Ghz N network (5 Ghz won't reach to my Apple TV) and even though it has a weak connection (usually 26 Mbps transfer or so), the movie is ready to start in 10 seconds or so. If you have a strong g network, it should be the same.

This may be helpful in conjunction with the wireless feedback above: I've noticed a delay on a wired connection, and it too seemed longer than expected. Did some testing & observation and figured out that the hard drives are going to power saver/sleep mode when not in use, and it takes a little while to "wake up" when :apple:TV wants to play some media.
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