Now that the 4.0 os will have tethering, I wondering should I return my 3G Ipad and get a cheaper wifi since I would assume that I can tether with my iphone?
Now that the 4.0 os will have tethering, I wondering should I return my 3G Ipad and get a cheaper wifi since I would assume that I can tether with my iphone?
Now that the 4.0 os will have tethering, I wondering should I return my 3G Ipad and get a cheaper wifi since I would assume that I can tether with my iphone?
Now that the 4.0 os will have tethering, I wondering should I return my 3G Ipad and get a cheaper wifi since I would assume that I can tether with my iphone?
No, keep your 3G.
Native tethering doesn't have WiFi tethering, so it's still useless for the iPad. MyWi is the only way to do it.
Now that the 4.0 os will have tethering, I wondering should I return my 3G Ipad and get a cheaper wifi since I would assume that I can tether with my iphone?
MyWi comes with a nasty contract. If you already use something like that for other uses that's great, but $60 a month just to give an iPad internet access is too expensive for me. I'd just go with the no contract cheaper AT&T plans on the 3G.
I think part of the confusion in this thread comes from people not understanding what 'tethering' actually means.
same formula applies to Overdrives and MiFi tooIf you limit you iPad 3G connectivity on the back of your phone, your iPad is then limited by the phones battery... which drains fast during tethering.
Just be sure to look at what AT&T charges for tethering on other phones.
It will NOT be free more than likely, iPhone users won't get special treatment over any other smartphone users.
Now, they MIGHT do something to compete with the Verizon Pre Hotspot deal of free..... maybe.... but i wouldn't count on it.
There is a lot of bad information in this thread. Let's sum up the correct info:
1. The official OS4 implementation of tethering for the iPhone WILL NOT work with the iPad. iPhone OS (which all iPhones, iPod touches, and iPads use) doesn't support USB or Bluetooth connectivity required for this to work. This sort of tethering will only work with Mac OS X desktops/laptops and Windows Linux PCs. Most likely, the service will cost between $30-$60 a month.
2. A viable tethering solution would be MyWi (not MiWi or MyWy) for the iPhone. To install this $10 (one-time fee) application, your host device (iPhone) must be jailbroken, while the leech devices (iPad, in this case) do not need to be jailbroken. No extra charge, minus possible fees for going over 5GB a month.
3. Another tethering solution is to purchase a MiFi, along with a 2-year contract and plan. At around $60 a month, these plans are NOT unlimited (5GB per month, same as AT&T's iPhone data plan), and costly.
Most users on this board will recommend MyWi, if you decide to return your iPad 3G. Remember that, while your iPad's 3G plan is truly unlimited, ALL iPhone data plans and MiFi data plans are NOT unlimited, and are all capped at 5GB.
Personally, I recommend that you stick with your iPad 3G. Best of luck.
yesterday I tried my hand at Jailbreaking solely for the purpose of using MyWi to tether my Ipad Wifi only model... and I have to say the whole experience was a bit unnerving..
The Jailbreaking process was pretty easy.. but there's really no explanation of what's going on... I did not know what Cydia was... it asked for a bunch of updates without much explanation... for all I knew it could have been stealing some personal data or installing malware... but I still soldiered on b/c I really wanted to try MyWi...
After figuring things out I tried to get MyWi... there were two versions.. one with Rock and one without... not much explanation on what the difference is... but once again. trial and error... I soldiered on...
Lots of restarts, installing, blah blah without much more explanation..
Finally got it installed and updated to lastest version.... and I turned on MyWi... immediately got a Wifi signal and Ipad connected.. hoorah!!! But here's the bad part...
1. Iphone got really hot.. never had it get so hot before...
2. MyWi would never really shut down properly.. even when you turned off the Wifi sharing, it would still say it was broadcasting... draining battery and remaining hot....
3. For some reason you could connect your iphone to the same Wifi signal it was broadcasting...
4. Other Wifi signals would no longer work.. it would not connect to my home wifi anymore.. it could not even locate it.... you could only see the wifi signal that the phone was broadcasting..
5. Battery would drain like crazy.. now I would not mind if it was broadcasting wifi and I was tethering it to my Ipad.. but it would just drain when I tried to shut down MyWi....
I can see why these apps would never cut it in the app store... they are definetly third rate... I would love to somehow tether my Ipad to Iphone but I'm not gonna go through these hoops again unless they finally polish their program...
Just a quick note I live in Korea where the Ipad has not launched yet.. I purchased it on a quick trip to Sonoma, CA a few weeks ago and I wasn't sure if the 3G could be made to work here (and I could not find a store with a 3G model in stock as I arrived in CA the day it launched).... I love my Ipad but the whole Wifi issue is haunting me badly.. I pretty much have to do a hard reset of the Ipad every time it tries to connect to a new Wifi location.. totally suxors!!!!
I don't have any of those problems. My phone might get a little hot, but other than that it shuts down fine, etc. And my ipad wifi still works. Oh and the battery darins with MyWi.
+1 for MyWi No Rock
The official iPhone OS4 isn't out yet, so nobody knows for sure what will and will not work. Granted the iPad won't get the OS update until later. Agree that he should just stick with what he's got until real products are released, and he can get actual information, including pricing.There is a lot of bad information in this thread. Let's sum up the correct info:
1. The official OS4 implementation of tethering for the iPhone WILL NOT work with the iPad. iPhone OS (which all iPhones, iPod touches, and iPads use) doesn't support USB or Bluetooth connectivity required for this to work. This sort of tethering will only work with Mac OS X desktops/laptops and Windows Linux PCs. Most likely, the service will cost between $30-$60 a month.