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Original poster
Mar 9, 2010
Hello fans!

BudgetCare app for tracking your personal expenses is back with tons of new features and improvements!
We are in phase of final testing now, and soon it will be submitted to AppStore.

AppStore link:
App website:
Facebook page:


New BudgetCare features:
- Note and Payment Type fields
- Recurring transactions
- Advanced search
- Notification on scheduled expenses
- Settings for starting week day & month date
- Improved and even more detailed statistics
- Support for iOS 4
- Refreshed user interface
- A lot of other improvements


Al these are wrapped into elegant and professional user interface that everybody will find easy to use.

Join BudgetCare page on Facebook to be among the first to know about new release, and get more interesting info on it.
Great aplication!

It's a super application! I didn't like the lack of recurring events. But in the new version, as I see, they implemented this. A very useful application for the registration of family embezzlement. Thanks guys!

BudgetCare 2.0 is available on AppStore now!

BudgetCare is useful, very simple and easy to use application for tracking your personal expenses. BudgetCare has excellent and intuitive user interface and provides powerful features of showing statistics with diagrams and pie charts.

All straightforward BudgetCare features are just few taps away, its can be used anywhere and anytime on the go. No special preparations or setup needed to start using it. BudgetCare is very intuitive and user friendly – you won't need a manual to figure out how it works. Just run it and write down what you spend money on every day.

Get BudgetCare on AppStore now!
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