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macrumors 68000
Original poster
Feb 2, 2006
Hey, I am in the market for a great camera. I know canon SLRs, I like sony for some reason, but I really just want the easiest camera to take the best pictures possible. (and not have to change lenses all the time) Form factor does play a roll in the end, but just forget that. Example


Ideas? Thanks


macrumors 68000
Original poster
Feb 2, 2006
Haha, that's my brother, and its a Canon rebel SLR, I just want something easier, (smaller?) big LCD would be great, more point and shoot, less configure and pray for the best.

Clix Pix

macrumors Core
Peyton said:
Haha, that's my brother, and its a Canon rebel SLR, I just want something easier, (smaller?) big LCD would be great, more point and shoot, less configure and pray for the best.

Hm....well, OK, you could buy a Nikon D50 and put their new 18-200mm VR lens on it and never have to worry about changing lenses again while still deriving the benefits of a DSLR over a P&S. I think the D50 has a larger LCD than the D70/D70s or other earlier DSLRs such as Canon's Digital Rebel. The D50 is smaller and lighter weight than some of the other DSLRs and it has "scene modes" for easy shooting if one doesn't want to fool with aperture settings, shutter speed settings and the like. In many cases, results right out of the camera are excellent with little post-processing needed as far as white light balance, contrast, all that.... By sticking with a DSLR over an advanced "bridge camera" P&S you're getting a better sensor and a camera body that is easier to work with in many ways.


macrumors 68000
Original poster
Feb 2, 2006
Thanks a lot, and I don't have much experience with Nikon, is their quality/build about the same as Canon? Others? thanks-

I respect your advice, but what would be the canon equiv, and is the quality much different?

Does anyone know anything about DSC-R1 Digital Camera by sony? I plan on getting their HD camcorder soon and the perfectionist in me would like to stay in the same family :D

Clix Pix

macrumors Core
Peyton said:
Thanks a lot, and I don't have much experience with Nikon, is their quality/build about the same as Canon? Others? thanks-

I respect your advice, but what would be the canon equiv, and is the quality much different?

Some of us would say that Nikon's quality/build is superior to Canon's! LOL!

Seriously: IMHO the build quality of Canon's Digital Rebel and its immediate successor does leave something to be desired because of the plasticky look and feel.....

The Nikon D70/D70s and the Canon Digital Rebel are pretty much competing at the same level. I'm not sure if Canon has an equivalent to the very popular D50. In November Nikon announced the D200, and just recently I've seen where Canon has now released its new 30D. I think that while there may be similarities there are also going to be significant differences. I am not familiar enough with the various Canon camera bodies or lenses to be able to compare them with Nikon's equivalents (if there are any) for you. You'll have to do your own homework on this!

Sony I don't know much about at all; sorry! Because they used a proprietary memory stick and because I didn't care for the features in their earlier digital cameras I don't really know what's available from them today because I have not been that interested.

Check out the reviews of cameras in which you are interested at or http://www.imaging-resource is another good source of information about specific features of various cameras.


macrumors Penryn
Dec 27, 2002
Location Location Location
Peyton said:
Thanks a lot, and I don't have much experience with Nikon, is their quality/build about the same as Canon? Others? thanks-

I respect your advice, but what would be the canon equiv, and is the quality much different?

Does anyone know anything about DSC-R1 Digital Camera by sony? I plan on getting their HD camcorder soon and the perfectionist in me would like to stay in the same family :D

Well I read the review for that camera at DPReview a while ago and remember them saying it was a fantastic camera that comes with a great great lense that makes the R1 worth every penny.

About Nikon, Canon, and any other camera maker: Canon's 350D/Rebel XT feels quite poor, is too small, and the controls and overall ergonomics is poor. The Nikon D50 is only slightly larger, but feels much more significant in your hand. I don't know why. Photo quality-wise all DSLRs are good, but Canon's DSLRs will generally take photos that are less noisy if you need to use your camera at high ISO, like at night for example. However, I wouldn't buy a 350D unless you forced me. You really need to start at the 20D (bare minimum) to get a Canon that feels good in your hands, and I don't think you need one.

Anyway, I think the Sony DSC-R1 is a great option for you. The other recommendation is one that was already made, which is to get a Nikon D50 and the 18-200mm VR lens. You'll never have to switch lenses, but if you ever wanted to switch in order to use a more specific lense for a specific purpose, the option is still there to go out and get one and use it.

Also consider one of those "big-zoom" cameras with lots of manual controls. They take great photos, are much cheaper than DSLRs, and may be all you need. Even a Canon S2 or an equivalent Canon medium-sized PowerShot camera is great. They have lots of features, although the zoom isn't as good on those if that's what you're looking for.

If you want a massive LCD, there's a small, ultraslim P&S camera where the entire back is a touch-sensitive LCD, and you just touch the screen to play with the controls. There are no buttons at the back at all. :eek: It's amazing when you first see it and use it. It has been in Hong Kong for several months now, so you should see it in all the major US stores in several months. I think it's made by Casio or Fuji, but I can't remember.


macrumors G5
Jan 5, 2006
Redondo Beach, California
Ford Vs Chevy?

Peyton said:
Thanks a lot, and I don't have much experience with Nikon, is their quality/build about the same as Canon? Others? thanks-

Many will argue tha the Nion's build qualty is better. But really it depends on the model. The Nikon D50 is _absolutly_ better build quality then the Canon Rebel film camera. The Rebel has the feel of cheap plastic. But on the other hand the Canon 20D or 30D is solidly build and far sturdier than the Nikon D50. But then the top end Nikons can be used to pound nails if you like. Canon's cheap lenses tend to be cheaper then Nikon's cheap lenses but at the top end they are both quite good

Which is best Ford or Chevy? Dumb question really. You have to compare two specific models Ok so you compare the Canon and Nikon entry level DSLRs and I think Nikon's D50 is a winner


macrumors G5
Jan 5, 2006
Redondo Beach, California
Clix Pix said:
... I think the D50 has a larger LCD than the D70/D70s or other earlier DSLRs such as Canon's Digital Rebel.

The D70s replaced the D70 and uses the D50 LCD.

The LCD is not large but is _very_ bright and sharp Kind of like comparing an Apple Cinema Display with a cheap LCD of the same size. Brightness and contrast matter as much as size. I yo need a large LCD connect the camera to an iBook.


macrumors G5
Jan 5, 2006
Redondo Beach, California
Peyton said:
Does anyone know anything about DSC-R1 Digital Camera by sony? I plan on getting their HD camcorder soon and the perfectionist in me would like to stay in the same family :D

Sony has a reputation for Video products that started with their invetion of th trinatron CRT tube. but they don't have much of a reputation for making still cameras. In fact they are one reason people say to stick with the companies that have "always" made still cameras Nikon, Canon, Olympus They've been building cameras for 50+ years. Sony is a new commer in the field and the controls are IMO poorly though out.

If you are a "perfectionist" you would want the best of each. It's the "cokector" who wants a "matced set". But "best" when we are talking abot photo eqipment get ou into some serous five figure money quickly.


macrumors G5
Jan 5, 2006
Redondo Beach, California
Abstract said:
P&S camera where the entire back is a touch-sensitive LCD, and you just touch the screen to play with the controls. There are no buttons at the back at all.

It's a "gimik". What the photographer wants is controls that can be used with no need to take the eye off the subject. Controls that cam be used by "feel" that are placed where the fingers naturally fall. The high-end SLR are all wel designed in ths reguard.

Actually it is the physica controls, knobs and dials and buttons and are expensive to make. Cheaper cameras have fewer of them and put more of the functions in the LCD based menue system.

My D50 places a lot of information right inside the viewfinder that shows up as litle symbols and textunder the image. I don't have to look away to set or check most common settngs.


macrumors Penryn
Dec 27, 2002
Location Location Location
ChrisA said:
It's a "gimik". What the photographer wants is controls that can be used with no need to take the eye off the subject. Controls that cam be used by "feel" that are placed where the fingers naturally fall. The high-end SLR are all wel designed in ths reguard.

Actually it is the physica controls, knobs and dials and buttons and are expensive to make. Cheaper cameras have fewer of them and put more of the functions in the LCD based menue system.

My D50 places a lot of information right inside the viewfinder that shows up as litle symbols and textunder the image. I don't have to look away to set or check most common settngs.

I realize that. I have a D50 as well, but it doesn't sound like he really needs one. The ultraslim P&S I mentioned has a massive LCD. And I don't think the "physical controls, knobs and dials and buttons" are more expensive than touch-screen. If he wants a small camera with a massive LCD, then the camera I mentioned still stands.

And no, the settings aren't hidden deeply in the LCD menu system. You just need to touch the screen to access them rather than push physical buttons. Also, the Canon 350D works mostly off the LCD, so it's not like this camera is much worse off in that respect.


macrumors member
Jul 15, 2004
Waco, TX
If you want good quality without the ability to change lenses you may want to consider the Sony DSC-R1. I don't know much about it, but it sounds as if it is the next best thing to a DSLR. (

If I were in your position, I'd probably go with a Rebel XT, that is, if you and your brother are cool. I shoot Canon, and never considered Nikon...the reason...when I got my first SLR (film), my father had a Canon and I figured, he's got a couple lenses and a flash that I could steal. You are really splitting hairs between Canon and Nikon and can't go wrong with either. It will come in handy to trade gear with your brother, and also you'll have someone who can help tutor you on the useage.

I can't say that I am too fond of the Nikon D50 for one reason, I prefer compactflash cards to SD cards. I know that SD are faster, but CF cards tend to be a wee bit less expensive and come in larger sizes.

Just my thoughts.


macrumors G3
May 25, 2004
ChrisA said:
Sony has a reputation for Video products that started with their invetion of th trinatron CRT tube. but they don't have much of a reputation for making still cameras. In fact they are one reason people say to stick with the companies that have "always" made still cameras Nikon, Canon, Olympus They've been building cameras for 50+ years. Sony is a new commer in the field......
I agree 100% with that statement, also i'm not a fan of their memory stick cause no other manufacture use's it.


macrumors 68000
Original poster
Feb 2, 2006
brett33 said:
If you want good quality without the ability to change lenses you may want to consider the Sony DSC-R1. I don't know much about it, but it sounds as if it is the next best thing to a DSLR. (

If I were in your position, I'd probably go with a Rebel XT, that is, if you and your brother are cool. I shoot Canon, and never considered Nikon...the reason...when I got my first SLR (film), my father had a Canon and I figured, he's got a couple lenses and a flash that I could steal. You are really splitting hairs between Canon and Nikon and can't go wrong with either. It will come in handy to trade gear with your brother, and also you'll have someone who can help tutor you on the useage.

I can't say that I am too fond of the Nikon D50 for one reason, I prefer compactflash cards to SD cards. I know that SD are faster, but CF cards tend to be a wee bit less expensive and come in larger sizes.

Just my thoughts.

I actually discovered the R1 last night and really think I might go with it. By the way, that picture is OF my brother not taken by him. The photo was taken with our family's Rebel. Thanks for the advice again, this is a link to a much better R1 website if you wanted to know more.:cool:
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