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macrumors 65816
Original poster
Jan 17, 2006
New York City
Hey everyone,

I'm in the market for a digital camera before this summer. I have two very simple specifications that I would like this camera to have:

1. It should be thin. I'm a guy, and I want it to fit in pockets easily. I do'nt really care if image quality is sacrificied, I won't be doing editing or anything fancy.

2. My gripe with most digital cameras is that they take forever to snap the photo. "Hold it down halfway, then press it all the way and hold it..." I hate that stuff! I want a camera where the photo snaps as quickly and assuredly as a disposable camera would. Get my drift?

Thanks for everyone's input, I know I can trust MR for some good advice :)


macrumors Penryn
Dec 27, 2002
Location Location Location
Olympus, Pentax, Casio, and Sony.

The thinnest and coolest looking one I saw was made by Sony, who actually do make good point-and-shoot cameras.

Olympus has some new ones out. I forget their names. I saw a model called the MJU-810, or 710. Not sure. They make several weatherproof, shockproof, and waterproof cameras that look very interesting (waterproof to 9 feet!!).

The new Pentax thin cameras (the A10, I think) looks pretty sweet. They also have a model called the T10 that only has a screen and no buttons. The screen is touch-sensitive, so you change settings using the screen. Pentax is a good company, although I really haven't touched their new thin cameras. And last time I checked, Casio makes excellent thin point-and-shoot cameras. :)


macrumors 65816
Original poster
Jan 17, 2006
New York City
Thanks Abstract, that's a really big help knowing where to start.

Does anyone have any experience with the aforementioned (or ANY) cameras that are very easy to shoot with, i.e. the shutter button is quick and responsive?
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