originally posted by kaboutertje
1. The front is one big chaos, ditch the two logo's at the top, make promotional use and the present message smaller
2. Try to get a better picture of them, this one is of a rather crappy quality
3. Get rid of the myspace link, and get a .com domain. When you've got that, make the link smaller and of a different font.
4 The same counts for the track listing, it just doesn't look right
5. I think I would get rid of the photo on the back -> bottom left.
6. Where are the sides for this cover?
I have to agree with
kaboutertje. I mean he is just giving his critique of your work.
1.On the front cover, you have no priority, hierarchy in content of material. Sure, it could look cool, but what is your main message? The only reason I say this is just because it seems a chaotic, there's main focal point for the audience (the people that are going to buy this cd) to focus on. There is just too much going on.
2. If this is the best picture that you can get of them, its fine then, but if you could ask them for a higher resolution, sharper, by all means go for it.
3.Again, if all they have is a myspace site, keep it for now, but stress to them they should start networking more, they should invest in a .com, and who knows, they might hire you to design it? Also, you really should change that font, it's too big and bulky, and not very legible. Try a smaller, on one line, San Serif font. You can find some good free ones at
www.dafont.com. Again, you want the audience to be able to digest and understand what the message is, and by doing so, your client's audience will expand and grow--ultimately making them some money, and giving you a good portfolio piece.
4.Again just try to make it more legible.
5.You could get rid of that photo on the bottom left of the back, or what I would do, and I recommend you try, is taking the "SKWOD DEEP" letterhead and placing it at the same angle as the picture. This way you would be able to tie everything together, giving it some continuity. It's worth a shot isn't it?
Anyways, just try those few things, experiment, what do you have to lose?
I'm not trying to rude, I just thought I'd give my honest,
CONSTRUCTIVE criticism. Good luck buddy.