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macrumors member
Original poster
May 26, 2009
Long story short, Installed BossPrefs, it was buggy and phone felt slower, unistalled, but wasn't sure what other packages came with it and phone still felt slower so I did a restore and JB/Unlock...

Before this happened I had all these working great, MMS with quality fix for TMobile and I enabled the battery percentage by editing the M68A plist file via SSH...

Now, once I get MMS working and try for the battery, the battery works but all my MMS stuff disappears. Try to re-do MMS and batt % disappears... What the heck?

Any ideas or tips?
Try doing a hard reboot (hold the home/lock button till the phone restarts and shows the apple logo), then if that doesn't work I suppose you should rejailbreak and get the battery percentage by download "asBattery" from cydia insteading of editing .plist files.
asBattery doesn't work with ActivateMMS2G unfortunately, tried it. Thanks though
I've tried everything now, can't figure it out. I restored it and backed up to when I had them both working, hoping the settings might come back, but no luck.

The toggles keep getting removed from their menus in settings.

Any help here? I had this working for a couple restores then all of the sudden this started happening. All because of damn bossprefs...
Install sbs and turn on battery% there, then delete sbs if u dont want it.
Install sbs and turn on battery% there, then delete sbs if u dont want it.

So if I toggle something in sbsettings then uninstall all the packages that came with it I shouldn't have any residual problems with slowdown from sbsettings and the feature will stay toggle on. No battery drain either? Because this is why i got rid of sbsettings. thanks
ActivateMMS2G takes the gas guage battery string out of the plist. Re-edit the plist after it's installed.
ActivateMMS2G takes the gas guage battery string out of the plist. Re-edit the plist after it's installed.

Thank God, I was getting a little beyond frustrated...

I thought it had to do with that but wasn't quite sure how it worked.

Do I need the re-edit the carrier.plist or the M68AP.plist?

What exactly do I need to edit?

Thank you so much
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