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macrumors 65816
Original poster
Jul 23, 2007
used purple rain to jailbreak my 3GS. i know the dev team released theirs last night, but i wasn't in the mood to restore the phone.

anyway, going through winterboard and putting together my typical theme when i noticed that the dock wouldn't show up.

this is how it looked previously

did they change the dock name? previously i'd put it under /Library/Themes/My Theme Name, then in the folder titled and the dock's icon was titled SBDockBG.png

any help?

also, what is the icon name for the new voice note application?

and for those that didn't figure it out, the old message icon used to be called 'text.png' now it's 'messages.png

Try renaming the dock to Dock.png and place it under /Library/Themes/themename.theme/
Check the transparency or your Winterboard settings. The fact that it isn't displaying a dock at all means it is picking up SOMETHING. If it wasn't detecting any dock it would still be using the default dock.
one of the first things i tried. if i turn the transparency off it only has the stock dock which i don't like.

Check the transparency or your Winterboard settings. The fact that it isn't displaying a dock at all means it is picking up SOMETHING. If it wasn't detecting any dock it would still be using the default dock.
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