The included French dictionary is full of misspelled words and… I encounter this problem since the very beginning (guess it was in 2000). So after 21 years, I can't imagine I'm the only person writing French who encounter this problem.
To avoid wasting your time : it has nothing to to with the personal (added) words located in files ~/Library/Spelling/LocalDictionary and ~/Library/Spelling/fr
which I emptied completely.
nor with the fact that I know the spelling checker only checks if the word exists, and knows notting about grammatical rules.
Thank you for your time and answer.
To avoid wasting your time : it has nothing to to with the personal (added) words located in files ~/Library/Spelling/LocalDictionary and ~/Library/Spelling/fr
which I emptied completely.
nor with the fact that I know the spelling checker only checks if the word exists, and knows notting about grammatical rules.
Thank you for your time and answer.