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macrumors god
Original poster
Staff member
Apr 9, 2001
Let's keep all GarageBand site announcements in this thread so we don't get multiple threads on it.
powermac99 wrote: will let users share their creations with others. In fact, once GarageBand is released, there will be a "Composition of the Day" and frequent contests for the best Composition. With these two features, sets itself apart from other GB Community sites and also has forums and GB news links. Hurry and join before your name is taken
Originally posted by powermac99

Well, I would've listed yours, too...but you already did. ;)

Anyhow, I figure at this point, we're all pretty much at the same level (actually, I'm probably at a bit of a disadvantage, but that's not deterring me). :D I just thought in the interest of full disclosure, I'd list all the ones I knew about. Time will tell which ones will stick around and which ones will fade into memory. I just hope GBX falls into the former category. :D

GarageBandExchange (GBX) Founder
Hi, we are pretty much at the same level but you and I have the least users, unfortunately (maybe in the future we could work something out like a merge or something since we both pretty much have the same concept). At this point AppleGarage is the leader. What I was curious about were the referrals that you thanked Macrumors for. What were you refering to? has been up since January 7th. We are offering:

- Forums for members to talk about GarageBand techniques, post tutorials, help other users, post what they are doing music wise, and just in general talk about the think we all love, music.
- Download section will be put in place for people to be able to download and upload loops for use in GarageBand. These will all be open source, no copyrighted loops, etc.
- Music Gallery will be the coolest part of the site. This is going to be a place where members can upload their GarageBand made songs for all other users to rate and listen to. It'll be nice to see what other people are doing around the music community.
- Application news will be about GarageBand, rumors about new versions, etc.

The download section is scheduled to be put onto the site on January 16th, 2004 on the day that GarageBand is released. I have not added it yet because I do not want it filling up with useless non-GarageBand related items. Watch for both the Gallery section and the Loops Download section on that day (and watch for GarageBand also!!)

Thanks to Capt for posting our link on here too!! I appreciate it!
New GB Site:

Hi everyone-

That's right, it's yet another GarageBand community site! We're trying hard to make ourselves stand out, so hopefully you'll drop by and let us know what you think. Check us out at:

Thank you!
GarageBand Planet

Hi All

Introducing GarageBand Planet a new community for users of Apple's GarageBand app.

Free MP3 hosting, band page, profile area, tips & tricks, forum and downloads.

I hope you like it.


GarageBand Release Party! is currently hosting a GarageBand release party!

Join us for a night of fun with GarageBand creations and compositions.!

What will we be giving away? Three (count them, three) iTunes music store gift certificates ($10) and our logo merchandise!

So, join us for for the GarageBand celebration of the year (and win great prizes, too)!

The contests are as follows:

1. Best Song - create a GarageBand composition and upload to it the Contest Nominees category in the Auditorium and our completely unbiased (yup, it's true) moderators and staff will vote on a winner. You are permitted to move compositions to the new category. Winner receives one $10 iTunes Music Store gift certificate.

2. Come up with the best name for your GarageBand composition. Upload your composition to the Contest Nominees category in the Auditorium and our mods will pick a song that we think has the best (original) name. You are permitted to move compositions to the new category. Winner receives one $10 iTunes Music Store gift certificate.

3. Come up with the best name for GBC! As you know, we are required to change our name to avoid a legal confrontation. So go to the best name thread in our forums and start coming up with names! Winner will receive one $10 iTunes Music Store gift certificate.

4. Be randomly chosen. Register with our forums and be eligible to receive one free GBC logo T-Shirt! We will randomly choose the winner.

All contests start now and end at noon pacific time tomorrow. So get goin'!
This is the kind of thing that makes me glad that I spent billions of dollars switching to a mac. Even though I won't get my copy until tomorrow (fedex's fault), I commend you for your contribution to our society.
Ha, no this isn't sarcasm. I recently switched, and I've noticed the mac following is nearly (if not completely) at cult status. I like how people are so willing to:
1) Help other users with problems
2) Come up with new, creative ways to do things
3) and just plain take pride in their macs is now dead! - we had to change our name...

but from it's ashes comes

Free mp3 GarageBand uploads, 25mb space, free band webpages and daily charts, radio stream and more features coming soon...

I would love you all to have a listen to what people are doing with garageband and would encourage you to share your original GarageBand music with us.


fingers is now iC is the worlds largest GarageBand Community with 400 uploaded compositions and over 600 users. Each user gets 50 mb to upload their compositions!
Off topic?

I think it would be really cool if all the different sites were to come up with and agree on :) a universal (standard) tagging scheme for songs. That way the music could also be distributed over the p2p networks, with the authors permission of course.

I'm thinking something like...


or GarageBand in the grouping field, with a link page in the comments field.

Somehow including each webpage's song ratings in the actual itunes rating system wouldn't hurt either.
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