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macrumors newbie
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Oct 19, 2020
Hi thanks for accepting me.
I have just fitted a new 2TB hard disk into bay 3 of my mac pro 2010 as the old one in there failed but my mac won't see it on disk utility for me to format it?
Have you tested bay 3 with a known, working drive? This should be done first.
You need to give the specifics of the make and model of your drive as there are some drives which have issues, search the forum for incompatible hard disk as this issue has been raised before for some Hitachi drives.
I have never heard of this brand. They may be re-branding an OEM drive made in Malaysia.
My recommendation is to only get a known make hdd (preferably ssd) if it’s for your OS.
You don’t want to rely on a crappy make, stick with Seagate or Western Digital if hdd.
My original hdd that came in my mac in 2010 still works fine.

What MacOS version are you running?
Was told about this company by a friend who used them, they are on the Isle of man. Was going to use it for time machine, will try it in cctv and get a good one for mac
Was told about this company by a friend who used them, they are on the Isle of man. Was going to use it for time machine, will try it in cctv and get a good one for mac
I looked at the Sonnics webpage - and it's obvious that they are private-labeling name brand drives - possibly old drives that are discontinued.

For example, their 3TB 720RPM [sic] drive at :

Compared to Seagate Constellation ES.3:


Screws, cover stamping, breather holes, stamped serial/part numbers - all identical.

See also things like


And there are lots of major brand disks manufactured in Southeast Asia.

I think that the Sonnics branding is a red herring.
Was told about this company by a friend who used them, they are on the Isle of man. Was going to use it for time machine, will try it in cctv and get a good one for mac
They are registered on the Isle of Man as an offshore tax avoidance scam. There is nothing on the Isle of Man, apart from fields and old English countryside village homes. There are certainly no hard drive factories there. Once a year they enjoy having a crazy bike race and Jeremy Clarkson used to own a lighthouse there.
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There may not be a factory but it was posted from the Isle of Man and that was the return address, so must have office/storage even if for tax reasons. That is the same for lots of companies who buy stuff from elsewhere and sell it on.
Sorry, new to forums and asking for help only wanted to find out what I was doing wrong with new hard disk in my mac as never upgraded before.
Have been using it as bought for about 5 years. Hard disk in slot 3 failed which was the back up (time machine) one and graphics card has also started to be a problem.
Bought hard disk from company recommended, OK maybe mistake but if something is recommended do you not go with the recommendation.
I have also bought new graphics card the sapphire rx 580 8gb pulse after going on line to find a good upgrade from standard.

I would like to start learning more about the computer as plan to use it a lot more in early retirement for photography. Any recommendationson best way to do this?
Using high sierra at moment.
There may not be a factory but it was posted from the Isle of Man and that was the return address, so must have office/storage even if for tax reasons. That is the same for lots of companies who buy stuff from elsewhere and sell it on.
Or his mother's basement, or it's just an address which then forwards stuff to the actual location, or somebody picks it up from there.

I just checked and it's PO box, so like I said, not a real location. The company claims to have been founded in 2010. But was only incorporated in 2015. It was called Manxpc Limited before 2015.

The actual address is

This is even worse than just a plain offshore tax avoidance scam. They are running this out of their basement.

Why would you want to buy a hard drive from this company that's clearly doing what AidenShaw said, or even worse? Just to save a few bucks? Not worth it. Get a proper hard drive from a reputable source such as, if you are in the UK. You will then have a real warranty worth the paper it's printed on.

I could understand it if they were at least being truthful about what these hard drives actually are.


At this point we don't know if the hard drive actually works, since you've bought it from the internet version of Delboy's Worldwide Import Export company. Return the drive as not working (they have a handy form for this on their website... ) and go buy another one from a reputable source.
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Have already said I will get a good one and try this one in my cctv but was going on a recommendation from a friend who has one in his pc, OK not a mac, without a problem
Probably because they have a bunch of discontinued / second hand drives / don't know what. Some drives will work, others won't. Looking at amazon reviews looks like many of these fail after a few months.

You need to be more careful in the future. Look at the overall grammar on the site and the mistakes in the product details. Some of the drives are apparently 720 RPM. That should be setting off alarm bells for you. Never mind the fact that their prices are too good to be true.
The one item not to skimp on is storage.
Drives are the most common failing component anyway, so try and get a good one.... ;)
Probably because they have a bunch of discontinued ... drives.
The Constellation ES.3 was announced in spring 2013, so it's definitely quite a few generations behind the current crop.

In its day, it was a high end enterprise SATA/SAS drive.
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OK took your advise got a seagate one and put it in..... Guess what that drive in bay fine
Now just got to upgrade operating system
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In general, I disagree with the idea of having multiple partitions on a hard drive. Unless you are running a dual-boot system, with one partition for Windows, and another for Linux or some other operating system, I recommend that you stick with one large partition. Here's why...

Years ago, some hard drive controllers, as well as older versions of the Windows and Mac operating systems, could not accomodate a hard drive partition larger than 2 GB. If you had a hard drive larger than 2GB, you needed multiple partitions to make use of the full capacity of the drive. So a 10GB drive required five 2GB partitions, which would end up being the C:, D:, E:, F: and G: drives on a Windows computer.
I am not sure how the second paragraph is related to, or explains, any of your views presented in the first paragraph. Also I don‘t recall anyone mentioning partitions in this thread 🤷🏼‍♀️
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OK took your advise got a seagate one and put it in..... Guess what that drive in bay fine
Now just got to upgrade operating system
Regardless of how you got there, I’m glad it’s working now.
We learn from mistakes and this was a small one with almost no consequences.
The Sapphire RX580 will let you upgrade all the way to Mojave if you desire (and beyond if you’re up for it). There are some really good guides on this forum that will walk you through the steps, but feel free to ask questions if you’re unsure.
Good luck!
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