There may not be a factory but it was posted from the Isle of Man and that was the return address, so must have office/storage even if for tax reasons. That is the same for lots of companies who buy stuff from elsewhere and sell it on.
Or his mother's basement, or it's just an address which then forwards stuff to the actual location, or somebody picks it up from there.
I just checked and it's PO box, so like I said, not a real location. The company claims to have been founded in 2010. But was only incorporated in 2015. It was called Manxpc Limited before 2015.
The actual address is
This is even worse than just a plain offshore tax avoidance scam. They are running this out of their basement.
Why would you want to buy a hard drive from this company that's clearly doing what AidenShaw said, or even worse? Just to save a few bucks? Not worth it. Get a proper hard drive from a reputable source such as, if you are in the UK. You will then have a real warranty worth the paper it's printed on.
I could understand it if they were at least being truthful about what these hard drives actually are.
At this point we don't know if the hard drive actually works, since you've bought it from the internet version of Delboy's Worldwide Import Export company. Return the drive as not working (they have a handy form for this on their website... ) and go buy another one from a reputable source.