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macrumors member
Original poster
May 26, 2006
first off hello all
i am very interested in getting a macbook basic, 1.83 with 1 gig mem
ive been reading on a few forums about problems with heat, (mooing),plastic gaps...rethinking about getting one i being foolish ...
This is really only affecting a minority of buyers. We Mac users tend to complain very loudly when Apple does something wrong, so the high volume sometimes makes the problems seem a lot worse than they are. All the reported issues are typical of Apple's early production runs when they try something new. Over the past few years, several Apple products have had some issues at release with faulty units reaching the customer, but they are quickly resolved once initial feedback gets relayed to the factory.

Give it a few weeks and my guess is the quality of the MacBooks will be pretty much right on every machine thats sold. The noise on the Macweb will die down as a result.
Well, it depends on if you want to be an early adopter for a new model.

The Macbooks haven't been out for very long, and as with many Rev. A models of technology, there are "issues" that get ironed out in subsequent revisions.

You'll find that Mac users are a discerning bunch used to very,very high expectations on Apple's products, and therefore, if one of those expectations is not met - even if barely - there will be many hoots and hollers. Items like heat, noise, etc are common less-than-perfects.

I'd go to an Apple store and play with the boxes they have on display - as they are heavily played with.
No. My wife's MB is fine. Cooler than my Dell D810, hotter but quieter than my Core Duo iMac (which is almost silent), no problems with construction.

There have been some problem machines, but it has been blown out of all proportion because those with problems are more vocal than those without.

But then I am a recent switcher whose Dell whines, is too hot to touch, too heavy to carry for long, too big to carry in my favourite laptop bag, and has backlight leakage along the bottom of the LCD. So I'm not as discerning as those who have only used Macs.

And you can always get it replaced if it has problems.
when did the 1.83 come out ?.....i got this bug last night to get one ....should i wait ?
The Macbooks are not that hot on your lap, even if it's real hot when you touch it with your palm.
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