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macrumors regular
Original poster
Jun 21, 2006
Toronto, Ontario!
I just bought this laptop used.

I have been reading about all the logic board issues and I am a wee bit spooked.

Here is what I know.

This computer was bought from apple direct in Nov 2001 as a "refurb" in the "about this mac" area.. no serial number displays.

There is one under the keyboard and it falls into the numbers covered by that logic board replacement thing.

The person I bought the computer from has never had it serviced and used it for 4 years and never had a prob. Its running Tiger and has 640 megs of ram.
Battery gives me about 3 hours and it has internal airport.

I am really likeing this computer I find it fast for what it is.

Here is my question.. I have noticed that the battery charging icon and the volume and airport icons on the top bar at times seem distorted. as soon as I click on the desktop or whatever page I am working on this disapears.. could this be RAM related? I am not having probs watching video or with display or the backlight or anything.

Should I be worried about this logic board thing? or just use it and forget about worrying if it has never been serviced and it already 5 years old.

Sorry if my questions seem redundant or overtly "newb" I really like what I see so far and plan to make all future purchases Mac.. I bought this computer to learn on.. and plan to buy a newer "badder" machine in the next year..LOL

P4 "switcher" :p
I would enjoy the computer while you have it. You are not guaranteed to have a logic board issue so don't worry about it. As far as the distortion goes can you elaborate a little or perhaps take a picture?

Thats it.. can you see it?
I can see it. Are you using any programs that might be beta or graphics intensive? I've that problem on my friends ibook g3 an ibook g4 and my mini when using some games and software that requires specail graphic support.

Apart from that, I don't have any suggestions. I know I've also seen the same problem on PCs running OSX86, but that proved to be vidcard difficiencies.. Good luck!!
iDuck said:
I can see it. Are you using any programs that might be beta or graphics intensive? I've that problem on my friends ibook g3 an ibook g4 and my mini when using some games and software that requires specail graphic support.

Apart from that, I don't have any suggestions. I know I've also seen the same problem on PCs running OSX86, but that proved to be vidcard difficiencies.. Good luck!!

All I have been running is MSN for mac.. visiting message board forums.. gmail ect.. now I often have 3 or 4 applications running at the same time.

yes no?
macbrooke said:
Anyone else?

What size hard drive do you have?

I'd run delocalizer -- google it -- it gets excess languages off Tiger.

Then I'd run disk utilites and repair permissions.

With only 640mb of ram -- you are just above the minimum of 512mb to run Tiger. Personally, if I had your computer, I'd make sure I had a larger hard drive in there. Any computer I have now has to have a bigger faster hard drive to optimize Tiger... You can keep the old drive and if you ever sell the ibook, you can keep the new one.

Other than that, I'd just put in a call to Apple to see if there are any future logic board issues, if your board is covered and for how long. You are correct in looking at the numbers on the board under the keyboard.

BTW, that's a great old iBook. Let us know how it's going.
California said:
With only 640mb of ram -- you are just above the minimum of 512mb to run Tiger.
While I agree that 512 is the minimum that most people should have to run Tiger, the actual minimum required is 256 MB and Apple shipped computers with Tiger and 256 MB of included RAM. I personally think that 640 MB is plenty for the kind of light usage this iBook is likely to see. I "only" have 768 MB in my PowerBook and I have no complaints unless I open Photoshop with a bunch of other apps running (Photoshop is a memory hog!).
mduser63 said:
While I agree that 512 is the minimum that most people should have to run Tiger, the actual minimum required is 256 MB and Apple shipped computers with Tiger and 256 MB of included RAM. I personally think that 640 MB is plenty for the kind of light usage this iBook is likely to see. I "only" have 768 MB in my PowerBook and I have no complaints unless I open Photoshop with a bunch of other apps running (Photoshop is a memory hog!).

Interesting. Well, memory does make a difference. I have that same 12" PB in its final 1.5ghz configuration as well as an 867mhz configuration. Both maxed out with ram. And guess what? Nearly the same speed in use. There's not much the OP can do as there is no such thing as a 1gig chip for pc100 144pin ram, but at least getting a bigger faster harddrive will help her situation. I can't imagine running TIger on 256mb. I can't even imagine running Panther on 256mb. Tho my original 400mhz Tibook shipped with 128mb ram on OS 9 it was too little memory, and it taxed the hard drive to an early death.
FWIW, I'm typing on a 500 MHz iBook right now, purchased in summer 2001 and never been serviced for any reason. Battery is essentially dead, but otherwise it's ticking along fine. I wouldn't worry about the logic board's out of the recall period for your machine and it'll cost more to replace it than the computer is worth. So when it goes, it goes, and you'll be looking for a new computer. But there isn't anything you can do to prevent the logic board from going bad, and there's a perfectly good chance it will continue functioning for a good while longer.
California said:
What size hard drive do you have?

I'd run delocalizer -- google it -- it gets excess languages off Tiger.

Then I'd run disk utilites and repair permissions.

With only 640mb of ram -- you are just above the minimum of 512mb to run Tiger. Personally, if I had your computer, I'd make sure I had a larger hard drive in there. Any computer I have now has to have a bigger faster hard drive to optimize Tiger... You can keep the old drive and if you ever sell the ibook, you can keep the new one.

Other than that, I'd just put in a call to Apple to see if there are any future logic board issues, if your board is covered and for how long. You are correct in looking at the numbers on the board under the keyboard.

BTW, that's a great old iBook. Let us know how it's going.

Its only 20 g :eek:
I did not think my uses warranted bigger I have 40 on my satellite and in 3 years of use I accumulated 2g of pics that was about it...LOL
Can I put more ram? in here and a bigger HD?
WildCowboy said:
FWIW, I'm typing on a 500 MHz iBook right now, purchased in summer 2001 and never been serviced for any reason. Battery is essentially dead, but otherwise it's ticking along fine. I wouldn't worry about the logic board's out of the recall period for your machine and it'll cost more to replace it than the computer is worth. So when it goes, it goes, and you'll be looking for a new computer. But there isn't anything you can do to prevent the logic board from going bad, and there's a perfectly good chance it will continue functioning for a good while longer.

Yes in the 5 days I have owned the machine I have really developed a preference for it. The person I bought it from was very knowledgable and works with macs daily.. I am doubtful he would have sold me a machine with a known issue. (at least I hope!) The battery was replaced in this not long ago and it works well I get about 2 hours constant surfing. The internal airport wireless was a buying point for me as well.

At this point I am feeling really happy with it and its meeting my needs I would just hate for something to go wrong...LOL:rolleyes:

Anyhow.. so can anyone tell me can I

A) add more ram?
B) as someone suggested get a bigger drive?

Also editing to add another question..I have noticed when using it gets quite warm in the lower left quadrant..I can hear the fan running at times too ...however I do not feel air coming out the area where the fan vents are..(forgive me here Im comparing to my Satellite here)
Is this normal? how hot is too hot?

Finally if I do end up upgrading in a few months and do decide to sell what would a fair price be? I know what I paid is fair market value in my region.. just want to hear what you guys think

I value the input :D
macbrooke said:
Yes in the 5 days I have owned the machine I have really developed a preference for it. The person I bought it from was very knowledgable and works with macs daily.. I am doubtful he would have sold me a machine with a known issue. (at least I hope!) The battery was replaced in this not long ago and it works well I get about 2 hours constant surfing. The internal airport wireless was a buying point for me as well.

At this point I am feeling really happy with it and its meeting my needs I would just hate for something to go wrong...LOL:rolleyes:

Anyhow.. so can anyone tell me can I

A) add more ram?
B) as someone suggested get a bigger drive?

Finally if I do end up upgrading in a few months and do decide to sell what would a fair price be? I know what I paid is fair market value in my region.. just want to hear what you guys think

I value the input :D

Can't put more ram in. They don't make a 1gig chip in that 144pin form factor. But your chip is worth nearly 100usd. So is the airport card. The only upgrade you could do is put in a new hard drive, which would very much speed up the computer. Oh, one other thing you can do, is add an iBook handle/support to it, to elevate it off the table/desktop. I was speaking to Gary Dailey of Daystar recently and he advised that elevation of Apple laptops is the cheapest way to keep the machines cool and living longer. I actually think I have one of these handles unused somewhere. Adding the Quickertek iBook handle and upgrading the hard drive are only upgrade options I'd recommend.
California said:
Can't put more ram in. They don't make a 1gig chip in that 144pin form factor. But your chip is worth nearly 100usd. So is the airport card. The only upgrade you could do is put in a new hard drive, which would very much speed up the computer. Oh, one other thing you can do, is add an iBook handle/support to it, to elevate it off the table/desktop. I was speaking to Gary Dailey of Daystar recently and he advised that elevation of Apple laptops is the cheapest way to keep the machines cool and living longer. I actually think I have one of these handles unused somewhere. Adding the Quickertek iBook handle and upgrading the hard drive are only upgrade options I'd recommend.

Actually I just edited the post you responded to to ask about heat issues.. we cross posted!
What is this ibook handle I do not think I hve ever seen one?
macbrooke said:
Actually I just edited the post you responded to to ask about heat issues.. we cross posted!
What is this ibook handle I do not think I hve ever seen one?

Google Quickertek handle. They are the same color as the ibooks, made for Apple laptops to carry around easier as well as you put them up as a stand to elevate the laptop when in use. More air circulation under the laptop, cooler useage, less heat aging your iBook. If you want an iBook one, I have one -- never used -- somewhere in its original box.

I want to get a 12" powerbook one because those machines run hot, too.
California said:
Google Quickertek handle. They are the same color as the ibooks, made for Apple laptops to carry around easier as well as you put them up as a stand to elevate the laptop when in use. More air circulation under the laptop, cooler useage, less heat aging your iBook. If you want an iBook one, I have one -- never used -- somewhere in its original box.

I want to get a 12" powerbook one because those machines run hot, too.


Very interesting...are you interested in selling? pm me with the details.

FWIW, the lack of a serial number in the "about this mac" section would indicate that the logic board has actually been replaced already.

I had the MLB replaced on my PowerBook 3 times - the last time of which it came back with no serial number just like you mentioned.

As said already though, if the logic board goes again it's not worth getting it fixed unless you DIY.

A second hand early iBook G4 could well be cheaper in this scenario.
I have no definite answer for you but it very well could be a faulty ram issue. Have you reinstalled the OS yet?
medea said:
I have no definite answer for you but it very well could be a faulty ram issue. Have you reinstalled the OS yet?

No I dont have the correct software that goes with this computer I had not planned to reinstall anything..
Its been doing the same thing here and there but otherwise running nicely..I really like it and I want to get a newer one in a few months :D
I can help out with discs for that model, and also having gone through the replacement thing four times, if it was done once chances are they'll still cover it, just bring it in to an apple store...
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