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macrumors regular
Original poster
Dec 31, 2007
Got my new iMac 21.5'' today ordered on Feb 15.
It has yellow tinge. Going to send it back and not gonna get a new one after hearing all of the stories here. I'm getting a full refund. It also had a weird high pitched sound coming from the top corner.

I ran the tests and the grey squares don't look the same. The yellow is on the bottom of the screen. Mostly the bottom right.
My 21.5" had the annoying high pitch noise as well (also dust, dead pixel and something on the reverse of the backlight). It went back for a refund.

I did a poor quality and long reboxing video, if you want to relive the joys of packing away an iMac.
I have also just been burned. Major yellow tinge on my new 21.5 inch, and then on the replacement. Finally I just took the refund...but I'm not sure what to do now. I can't afford a Mac Pro, so the Mac Mini being drastically improved is my only hope...unless I defect to PCs.
Got my new iMac 21.5'' today ordered on Feb 15.
It has yellow tinge. Going to send it back and not gonna get a new one after hearing all of the stories here. I'm getting a full refund. It also had a weird high pitched sound coming from the top corner.

I ran the tests and the grey squares don't look the same. The yellow is on the bottom of the screen. Mostly the bottom right.

I have returned 4 yellow tinged 21.5 iMacs. My son has returned 5 yellow tinged 21.5 iMacs. All nine iMac also had other issues such as noisy screen, noisy hard drives, faulty super drive and whistling sound....

I made the decision, two weeks ago, to wait for the next redesign and in the meantime I share a crappy Toshiba laptop (Window 7) with my wife.

My son on the other hand decided that he would give it another shot.

After many calls to Apple care, my son's case was finally elevated to the highest level and so he ordered his sixth 21.5 iMac (Basic cheap entry level) through the Apple Canada Executive Relations representative that is handling his case. The order was placed on the 11th of February and it was assembled in Rancho Cordova, CA. He received it yesterday February 23, 2010.

This latest (number 6) iMac also has a yellow tinged screen plus the hard drive is so noisy, you can hear it clear across the room.

Earlier today, my son contacted the Executive Relations representative and reported the issues he had with this latest iMac. The representative told him that the issues would have to get acknowledged, as being true, by a genius at the Apple store in Ottawa and that she was not going to pursue the matter any further until she got an "acknowledgment number" from the genius.

Well, earlier this evening, my son re-boxed the iMac and went to see the genius at the the Apple Store in Ottawa (It's only a 30 minute drive from where he lives).
Sure enough, the Genius took the iMac in the back room and came out after ten minutes and told my son that the hard drive was extremely noisy and asked him if he had noticed the yellow screen..... My son never said anything about the yellow screen and yet the Genius was asking him if he had noticed....
The genius was nice enough to re-box the iMac. Now, it's official, my son has the "Acknowledgment number" direct from the genius himself.

Tomorrow, the Executive Relations representative is getting another call....... and the saga continues.

Very, very, disappointed in the IMac product.
All this crap because last month we decided to sell our PC's and make the move to Apple.

Lesson learned...
Well I guess I'll wait a little longer to see if they get their act together. I have better things to be doing than going back and forth to the Genius Bar. Maybe they could use some of those geniuses back in the home office instead of letting faulty items out into the market.

I have returned 4 yellow tinged 21.5 iMacs. My son has returned 5 yellow tinged 21.5 iMacs. All nine iMac also had other issues such as noisy screen, noisy hard drives, faulty super drive and whistling sound....

I made the decision, two weeks ago, to wait for the next redesign and in the meantime I share a crappy Toshiba laptop (Window 7) with my wife.

My son on the other hand decided that he would give it another shot.

After many calls to Apple care, my son's case was finally elevated to the highest level and so he ordered his sixth 21.5 iMac (Basic cheap entry level) through the Apple Canada Executive Relations representative that is handling his case. The order was placed on the 11th of February and it was assembled in Rancho Cordova, CA. He received it yesterday February 23, 2010.

This latest (number 6) iMac also has a yellow tinged screen plus the hard drive is so noisy, you can hear it clear across the room.

Earlier today, my son contacted the Executive Relations representative and reported the issues he had with this latest iMac. The representative told him that the issues would have to get acknowledged, as being true, by a genius at the Apple store in Ottawa and that she was not going to pursue the matter any further until she got an "acknowledgment number" from the genius.

Well, earlier this evening, my son re-boxed the iMac and went to see the genius at the the Apple Store in Ottawa (It's only a 30 minute drive from where he lives).
Sure enough, the Genius took the iMac in the back room and came out after ten minutes and told my son that the hard drive was extremely noisy and asked him if he had noticed the yellow screen..... My son never said anything about the yellow screen and yet the Genius was asking him if he had noticed....
The genius was nice enough to re-box the iMac. Now, it's official, my son has the "Acknowledgment number" direct from the genius himself.

Tomorrow, the Executive Relations representative is getting another call....... and the saga continues.

Very, very, disappointed in the IMac product.
All this crap because last month we decided to sell our PC's and make the move to Apple.

Lesson learned...
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