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macrumors newbie
Original poster
May 11, 2010
Having been a PC user for over 15 years, I took the plunge last week and bought my first mac. An iMac 27. and I wanted to ask one question. Why didn't I do this years ago. WOW it is superb. When I am upstairs I am back on my Sony Vaio and it feels really amateur and clunky compared to the Mac. It makes cumputing a pleasure. Having only been on it a week now I have already got the hang of it and SOO many things, just make sense.

It is superb my only gripe is I didnt get a Mac 10 years ago. Was it worth the £1500 I paid, hell yes.

I don't think you would like what Apple had to offer ten years ago so...yeah... LUL

Actually, I can hardly stand to use ANY Apple OS previous to Leopard, which is the version before the current OS, Snow Leopard.

I'd advise other people looking to switch to buy an older mac for cheap before dropping $1,500 on a new one only to find they don't like it. You got lucky, XD
I have to use my Sony upstairs, I detest it now. So clunky. I am going to get a MacBook Pro for upstairs and get rid of this Sony doorstop. Not ever going back to a PC again I am seriously hooked.
I know how you feel. No matter what laptop it is, if it doesn't have the Johny Ive touch, I can't help but scoff at it.

Simon, this is where the ipad fits in. Unless you need a second full functioning computer that is. I'm just getting ready to dump my macbook pro for an imac27 and an ipad. Talk to your mac guy and see if you can't save yourself some cash.
Actually not thought of that. I dont need another laptop/. Mac is down in the living room and I need net access upstairs to surf at night. An ipad would fit the bill perfectly. Lightweight. net access, yeah sounds just what I need. I will have a serious think about it. May even give the kids the Sony and get a ipad for the bedroom

Hmmm Thanks for that matey
New apple user here, too!

Main reason is bootcamp and the fact that the iMac will do windows 7 very well. Got rid of the little aluminum keyboard and the lame mouse and never looked back.
Congrats to the OP and welcome to the club!

Got rid of the little aluminum keyboard and the lame mouse and never looked back.

Not to hijack the thread, but I went for the full aluminum keyboard and number pad with my i7, the same as I had with the 24" iMac that preceded it. For me, it's the best keyboard I've ever used. The Magic Mouse, with the addition of BetterTouchTool is also amazing and on the occasion I am forced to use lesser mice I find myself trying to do gestures unconsciously.
Actually not thought of that. I dont need another laptop/. Mac is down in the living room and I need net access upstairs to surf at night. An ipad would fit the bill perfectly. Lightweight. net access, yeah sounds just what I need. I will have a serious think about it. May even give the kids the Sony and get a ipad for the bedroom

Hmmm Thanks for that matey

not to pry into family matters but....
Why do parents always give the computer they think is too old and crap for themselves to their kids?

I don't know your kids, but most kids I know push their computers far harder than their parents (games, instant messenging, constant youtube, downloading music/videos). If you find your old computer crap, I can imagine that they will find it worse.
Even if they aren't really into computers or don't use them much. Giving them a new computer will let them get more experienced with computers/the internet. If they are stuck with a little sony vaio, they just won't have the same experience and won't feel compelled to learn as much.

Of course it's up to you but I suggest you buy your kids their own new iMac!:D
They'll love you for it!!:)
Well considering one is 4 and one is 5 I think I will just give them the Sony for the time being as I dont think they will grasp the IMac just yet and they will play games on the PC.
Also it is a brand new (3 months old) 17" Sony Vaio, not crap by any standards
Ehm, I'm not one for torrents, so I won't mention them.

The first game I remember playing was loads of fun and it was the first thing I learned to do with a computer.

Timon & Pumbaa's Jungle Games. A must-have! Honestly, I JUST installed it on my iBook clamshell a few days ago and am still playing with it.

I was somewhere's about the age of your kids :p
Well considering one is 4 and one is 5 I think I will just give them the Sony for the time being as I dont think they will grasp the IMac just yet and they will play games on the PC.

haha ok that's pretty young.

Ehm, I'm not one for torrents, so I won't mention them.

The first game I remember playing was loads of fun and it was the first thing I learned to do with a computer.

Timon & Pumbaa's Jungle Games. A must-have! Honestly, I JUST installed it on my iBook clamshell a few days ago and am still playing with it.

I was somewhere's about the age of your kids :p

hahaha. I wonder how much of a benefit those games were to us as kids. I reckon they did us a lot of good.

I miss The Logical Journey of the Zoombinis :(
I'm not saying this is true in all cases, but playing shooters since I could point and click may have helped my proficiency with firearms.

You know a study in the 90's showed that some kids that frequent arcades and had never previously handled a real weapon could out-shoot some trained officers?
Simon, this is where the ipad fits in. Unless you need a second full functioning computer that is. I'm just getting ready to dump my macbook pro for an imac27 and an ipad. Talk to your mac guy and see if you can't save yourself some cash.

Did the same thing! Sold MBP, posting this from my iPad and gazing at my 27" iMac. Computing nirvana!
Congrats, enjoy your Mac. It's the new guys that really help the user base grow. :D
I don't think you would like what Apple had to offer ten years ago so...yeah... LUL

Actually, I can hardly stand to use ANY Apple OS previous to Leopard, which is the version before the current OS, Snow Leopard.

I'd advise other people looking to switch to buy an older mac for cheap before dropping $1,500 on a new one only to find they don't like it. You got lucky, XD
What was wrong with Tiger? Or even Panther for that matter?
What's wrong with Windows 2000 or Windows ME? These systems are not fully developed to be natural and I've found them all to be nothing less than frustrating.

Leopard is when Apple finally made OS X serious. Pre-Leopard, OS X was a toy. Firstly, take a look at the interface. It says a lot about what's underneath.

Tiger looks like a plastic toy. Leopard and above looks like a professional industrial system.

Dock, Finder, System Preferences, Mail, Quicktime, they all feel awful, Pre-Leopard. I also can't live without Spaces and Time Machine.

Now you might assume I'm saying, "now that I've had "x", I can't live without it." However, Tiger is just NOT natural feeling and it frustrates me. Leopard just clicked as soon as I tried it the first time.
What's wrong with Windows 2000 or Windows ME? These systems are not fully developed to be natural and I've found them all to be nothing less than frustrating.

Leopard is when Apple finally made OS X serious. Pre-Leopard, OS X was a toy. Firstly, take a look at the interface. It says a lot about what's underneath.

Tiger looks like a plastic toy. Leopard and above looks like a professional industrial system.

Dock, Finder, System Preferences, Mail, Quicktime, they all feel awful, Pre-Leopard. I also can't live without Spaces and Time Machine.

Now you might assume I'm saying, "now that I've had "x", I can't live without it." However, Tiger is just NOT natural feeling and it frustrates me. Leopard just clicked as soon as I tried it the first time.

You're comparing Windows ME and Windows 2000 to Tiger and Panther? LMAO! Many people consider Tiger to still be the best Mac OS out there. Its Spotlight is bar none the most useful out of both Snow Leopard and Leopard. Have you even used either operating systems or are you basing your opinion on a couple of pictures you've seen?

Spaces? Not big, half of the people that use OSX doesn't even know it exists.
Time Machine? SuperDuper.

Also, a lot of people still use Tiger because it's the fastest Mac OS out there as well. Leopard bogged down the OS and Snow Leopard helped but it's still not as fast as Tiger was.
Don't accuse me of just being some ******, I've used Tiger for a whole year on both my iBook, iMac and PowerMac G4 as well as a PowerMac G3!

I'm not comparing it to Windows, just the fact that they aren't developed enough to be completely natural. Windows XP is as natural as Windows ever was, but damn, all of its predecessors were cluster****s.

Time Machine is fully integrated within OS X. Using that third party crap would be like using a USB WiFi card as opposed to an Airport card.

I can't live without Spaces. Even when I was using Windows I wanted virtual desktops to split tasks into individual "screens."

Tiger is fastest? Really? Hm, funny I wasn't able to do most things smoothly on my G4 until I got Leopard installed on it.

If thrown back into the year 1998, I'd choose Windows 98 over OS freaking 9 any day. 2001, XP over OS X. OS X has so little to offer over Windows until Leopard.

You know, there's a reason Mac sales didn't explode until end 2007 ;)
Don't accuse me of just being some ******, I've used Tiger for a whole year on both my iBook, iMac and PowerMac G4 as well as a PowerMac G3!

I'm not comparing it to Windows, just the fact that they aren't developed enough to be completely natural. Windows XP is as natural as Windows ever was, but damn, all of its predecessors were cluster****s.

Time Machine is fully integrated within OS X. Using that third party crap would be like using a USB WiFi card as opposed to an Airport card.

I can't live without Spaces. Even when I was using Windows I wanted virtual desktops to split tasks into individual "screens."

If thrown back into the year 1998, I'd choose Windows 98 over OS freaking 9 any day. 2001, XP over OS X. OS X has so little to offer over Windows until Leopard.

You know, there's a reason Mac sales didn't explode until end 2007 ;)

Tiger wasn't full developed? First time I've heard that. Especially considering the fact it was the only Mac OS with a decent search function still to this day. What was so difficult for you? Go into more detail. Surely spaces and Time Machine can't be these "click" features. :rolleyes:

Third party crap? I love when people call something crap that they've never used. It's pretty clear you have no idea what you're talking about.

You can't live without spaces? Expose and hiding apps fixed this problem a long time ago. Spaces really isn't that great.

I wasn't talking about OS9 and OSX had nothing over XP until Leopard? Give me a break. A couple of end user features that you are making out to be the next coming of Jesus Christ at the expense of the speed of the OS are far from groundbreaking.

You know why Mac sales didn't explode until the end of 2007? It's called Vista.
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