I received my new iMac last week, one of the first delivered in the US. Today, after a few days of use, it decided to stop working. I called Apple support and we tried everything and could not even get it to boot from the install disk. They declared it DOA and arranged for a replacement to be sent, after I ship this one back to them via FedEx. Kind of a bummer after waiting all that time (ordered on March 3) and using it for a few days... Now, I have to bring the iMac to the FedEx place and wait for Apple to get notified by FedEx that it is being returned then they will initiate a build of a new iMac to be sent on a priority basis. So it looks like it will be next week at the earliest that I see another iMac..... Not only that, but I registered my Apple care with that iMac and several software programs which will necessitate more emails and phone calls to get that straightened out. What a royal pain in the butt. At times like this, I wish I had gone to the local (40 miles away) Apple store and purchased it without the 4850 and numeric keypad.....
to say the least....