Next August, my Dad will be buying me an iMac. Not as my first computer, but mainly because I'm sick of Vista and if he didn't I would have. Now, I can use the almost $1000 to spend on accessories and save up for the future. Right now, I own an HP laptop, not bad, I just don't like it. Here's my dilemma; I have a friend who starts college in the fall and he asked if he could buy my laptop from me. I would love to do that and keep the money for myself, but my Dad thinks I'm taking the laptop to college (two years from now). A few months ago, before the decision to get me an iMac was reached, he said I would get a new laptop for college and a Mac if I went for engineering. Now, he seems to have forgotten that. I can't sell the laptop without consulting him, because then I might be left computer-less for college, but I can't ask him if I can sell the laptop because he will probably want the money. If I sell the laptop, I would like to get the money for my self, so I can save up for a new computer for college, since I have no intent of taking an iMac to a dorm. Please help with my moral and monetary dilemma!