Last week I purchased a new base model IMac (2.4Ghz, 20"). Naturally the new generation were released a week after my purchase. My reasoning was simple: I needed a machine. I use it mostly for home recording (Logic) and don't really need the enhanced graphics.
The Apple Store web page lists a clearance price of $999 for the model I purchased. In checking Apple's return and price guarantee policy I was confronted with two options. Return the IMac and pay the restocking fee to upgrade or let Apple refund me $200 (the difference between the price I paid at $1199 and the new clearance price of $999).
I decided to take the refund. I still don't need the enhanced graphics and, with 4GB of RAM the IMac 2.4 does a great job with Logic and plug-ins.
The folks at the Apple Store didn't flinch and promptly refunded the difference and I then proceeded to buy a 500GB Time Capsule. (they were also willing to let me return the IMac w restocking and get a new generation. That was tempting for a moment)
Just posting in case someone had questions about Apple's policies.
The Apple Store web page lists a clearance price of $999 for the model I purchased. In checking Apple's return and price guarantee policy I was confronted with two options. Return the IMac and pay the restocking fee to upgrade or let Apple refund me $200 (the difference between the price I paid at $1199 and the new clearance price of $999).
I decided to take the refund. I still don't need the enhanced graphics and, with 4GB of RAM the IMac 2.4 does a great job with Logic and plug-ins.
The folks at the Apple Store didn't flinch and promptly refunded the difference and I then proceeded to buy a 500GB Time Capsule. (they were also willing to let me return the IMac w restocking and get a new generation. That was tempting for a moment)
Just posting in case someone had questions about Apple's policies.