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macrumors regular
Original poster
Jan 20, 2008
I'm a proud owner of an iMac, the problem is, even after I updated to iTunes 7.7, my itunes is running slow. Now, I have the new 2.8Ghz 24" iMac. I'm thinking that the problem could be of either:

1) Using my "MyBook World Edition(1Tb)" via Ethernet as a direct HDD as I do not want to clog up my iMac HDD, I'm storing other media files on there too.

2) Files are recording in the format of .AIFF.

Now I'm 99.9999999999% sure that it is not the second & more the 1st. I'm about to test my theory as Im copying all my audio files over to my Mac HDD & restarting without the MyBook attached to the machine. Can anyone suggest anything else. Was thinking of hacking the MyBook & formatting it to the Extended format but reading into it more, apparently I would have been better off buying a FireWire drive. My only bug bearer is my Dad has a 500Gb Ext HDD via FireWire but it really slows the iMac boot time down by quiet a bit...

Some one please help, I brought an iMac as they are smooth & do not hang like a Windows machine?

The Only other option was to use my old PC as NAS using FreeNAS?

I'm a proud owner of an iMac, the problem is, even after I updated to iTunes 7.7, my itunes is running slow. Now, I have the new 2.8Ghz 24" iMac. I'm thinking that the problem could be of either:

1) Using my "MyBook World Edition(1Tb)" via Ethernet as a direct HDD as I do not want to clog up my iMac HDD, I'm storing other media files on there too.

2) Files are recording in the format of .AIFF.

What is the format of the MyBook right now?
I'm a proud owner of an iMac, the problem is, even after I updated to iTunes 7.7, my itunes is running slow. Now, I have the new 2.8Ghz 24" iMac. I'm thinking that the problem could be of either:

1) Using my "MyBook World Edition(1Tb)" via Ethernet as a direct HDD as I do not want to clog up my iMac HDD, I'm storing other media files on there too.

2) Files are recording in the format of .AIFF.

Now I'm 99.9999999999% sure that it is not the second & more the 1st. I'm about to test my theory as Im copying all my audio files over to my Mac HDD & restarting without the MyBook attached to the machine. Can anyone suggest anything else. Was thinking of hacking the MyBook & formatting it to the Extended format but reading into it more, apparently I would have been better off buying a FireWire drive. My only bug bearer is my Dad has a 500Gb Ext HDD via FireWire but it really slows the iMac boot time down by quiet a bit...

Some one please help, I brought an iMac as they are smooth & do not hang like a Windows machine?

The Only other option was to use my old PC as NAS using FreeNAS?


I've got a Seagate Freeagent 750GB attached to my firewire and it doesn't slow it down. The only thing I have done is disable the power saving feature which I have a feeling is slowing your computer down; because the whole drive virtually goes into stand by, and when you try to access it, the drive has to spin back up again. IIRC the drive can with software, use that software to access the drive and disable the power saving in it, either that or download, compile and install

It'll probably the same situation with your drive - its stupid how there are companies bending over backwards to save a few watts and create a whole heap of inconvenience.
What is the format of the MyBook right now?

Not sure, how can I tell, not familiar with the way terminal works, used to Linux or MS-DOS, i know it should be simular to Linux. How can I tell. Went to my local Apple Store for some advice, that advised me to get a FireWire Drive. I Wouold but my dads iMac takes a while to load as there is 500Gb of .mp3 on there. (Could this be a SpotLight issue with indexing everything? If so can this be turned off)

so you're saying all your music is stored on this Mybook and it's attach via Ethernet? I have a 2.8 iMac and i have all my media stored on my ReadyNAs and it's not slow at all. The first time it tries to access the network it takes a few seconds but once the connection is set and authenticated all my music plays fine and i don't notice much slowdown.
so you're saying all your music is stored on this Mybook and it's attach via Ethernet? I have a 2.8 iMac and i have all my media stored on my ReadyNAs and it's not slow at all. The first time it tries to access the network it takes a few seconds but once the connection is set and authenticated all my music plays fine and i don't notice much slowdown.

Maybe its because I've not set it up correctly. Are you Ripping CD straight to the ReadyNAS aswell though? I might do a freash install on the iMac as I used it out of the box, although it was brand new not Ex-Demo or anything like that?

My Dads just brought the MyBook with FireWire, I might try that? Or has anyone hacked the MyBook World Edition I & noticed improvement on speed. I just get fustrated that my iTunes keeps hanging every now & then? Maybe it is because its Ethernet connected. Might just go to FireWire when I can afford it?

Suggestions welcome
Is the external drive spinning down (sleeping) when it's not in use? This can account for substantial lag in accessing the drive.

Do not reinstall OSX. This will not solve your problem; in fact, it solves virtually no problems that you are likely to have with your Mac.
Is the external drive spinning down (sleeping) when it's not in use? This can account for substantial lag in accessing the drive.

Do not reinstall OSX. This will not solve your problem; in fact, it solves virtually no problems that you are likely to have with your Mac.

Ok, Won't re-install OSX, suppose it's a Windows/ Linux habbit.... :)

I don't give it time to spin down. Heres the brief Reilly:

I'm using my MyBook World Edition I as my iTunes drive, so everything is ripped to the drive music wise, my images are stored on the drive, albeit a small amount of data, then my film's are encoded on my iMac drive then copied to my MyBook. It's a goodish ethernet cable & expensive drive, which was recommended by a good handful of people. My biggest mistake is not researching what I'm doing....
Whether you give it time to spin down or not, are you sure it isn't? This is the only reason I can imagine for why your iTunes library might be performing poorly.
I think it's a combination of 1 and 2, aiff files can get pretty large and you're streaming them to itunes over your ethernet connection. A 100Mb connection will transfer a 3MB mp3 almost instantly, but a 50MB aiff will take 2 secs or so. That could lead to lots of slow downs loading, changing songs, etc. Firewire is the way to go, my itunes library is on an external FW and there's no noticeable speed difference from my internal HD.
Seems like that it is the ethernet that is causing the problem. I'm will use the internal for music until I can afford a 1Tb Ext HDD.. :mad: grrr

Thankyou for everyone's help.

Now I just have to get HandBrake working without it crashing when I leave it for the day!?? :p

Again, Thankyou
Change to hfs,if your disk is ntsc it makes it slower,believe me,I had issues with it.
How big is your library,how many songs,I have a huge libarary and it too slows things down.
Don't use aiff over network,it slows down because they are about 10 times bigger than mp3 128 kbs.
Cheers Perry
Seems like that it is the ethernet that is causing the problem. I'm will use the internal for music until I can afford a 1Tb Ext HDD.. :mad: grrr

Thankyou for everyone's help.

Now I just have to get HandBrake working without it crashing when I leave it for the day!?? :p

Again, Thankyou

What version of handbreak are you running? the current Intel version is still a beta version, however. Have you tried Mac The Ripper?
What version of handbreak are you running? the current Intel version is still a beta version, however. Have you tried Mac The Ripper?

Yeah, using MacTheRipper, & it's kicking out all of my DVD's with a "Bad Sector" error. I know for a fact they haven't got them. I'm using Handbrake 0.9.2.

I don't want to use anything but .AIFF so will get a FireWire HDD around christmas time when money is good :p

I might try & download it again, see if that does anything???
Why not use Apple Lossless ? Exactly the same quality as AIFF/WAV but a lower bitrate.

I'm guessing you're using the free Mac the Ripper (2.6). Pop along to and pony up whatever the "gift" is for the latest version (3.0 build14m I think) which will solve the bad sectors problem (mostly).
I've managed to get MacTheRipper working fine now, its reading the disk's fine. Now handbrake just keeps crashing all the time. I queue up a load of DVD's to encode on the AppleTV preset with a CBR of 100% for an overnight encode & I come back in the morning with an error & a 150Gb file for the 1st film...

I've managed to get MacTheRipper working fine now, its reading the disk's fine. Now handbrake just keeps crashing all the time. I queue up a load of DVD's to encode on the AppleTV preset with a CBR of 100% for an overnight encode & I come back in the morning with an error & a 150Gb file for the 1st film...


The file is 150GB is in size because you chose to decompress the video into its raw format - you most likely ran out of space. IMHO go for x264 for compression.

As for the audio, go with Apple lossless, the files are 3/4 in size and equal in audio quality.
I did use loss less on my PC but found playing back on my HiFi its not flawless, please bear in mind that I'm a snob when it comes to quality on media playback. I don't mind paying for the quality. So I'm sticking with .AIFF guys, I'm really impressed with it. So I'm going to use a spare 500Gb FireWire drive my dad has for a bit.

Thank you for all your help, but we've defiantly established that NEVER use an Ethernet drive to use for media of a large bitrate, however I have found that films are fine?? :confused:

Also, I think the MyBook is in NTFS or Linux Format??? Not sure though? How can I tell? The manual doesn't tell you allot?

Cheers guys
If you are using the same media player with the same settings to playback AIFF and ALAC files, any difference you hear between the two formats is 100% placebo. There is absolutely no difference between the the PCM data contained within them...lossless means exactly what it says on the tin.

I dare you to go onto and make such a claim ;)
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