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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Jul 17, 2008
hey guys, my imac arrived today and I love it, now all i need is some advice. WHAT PROGRAMS DO I NEED FOR THIS IMAC. Is there anything that you can recommend for me to have on this system? I got the 24 inch screen, 3.06 GHz 4 gigs of ram all that good stuff and a free ipod touch with the student discount.

Is there any tests I should perform on my system to see if everything is in working order? Also, is there a dvd player program that works better than the one we have preinstalled? just wondering.

Check out the advice already being given in this thread

It should give you the ideas you are looking for
And welcome to the board

Woof, Woof - Dawg
wow thanks you guys! well my specs are maxed and I have the 24 inch screen imac ;)

I'm having some problems right now with my itunes. my brother has a macbook and he transfered all of my itunes music from his computer to mine using wifi? idk what it is but he transferred all of my music and now, I can't change the file tags on itunes for my music. I can't do anything! What is wrong? :(
wow thanks you guys! well my specs are maxed and I have the 24 inch screen imac ;)

I'm having some problems right now with my itunes. my brother has a macbook and he transfered all of my itunes music from his computer to mine using wifi? idk what it is but he transferred all of my music and now, I can't change the file tags on itunes for my music. I can't do anything! What is wrong? :(

Hmmm.... do your songs appear in 'Music' right under the Library heading in the left pane or does it appear as <something>'s shared Library?
hi there! it appears as Music! We transferred all my songs and he deleted the account i had on his macbook.

now i can't fix any of the tags on the music. D:
So you cant tag them.... as in edit them?:confused: Select a song and right click and choose Get Info or press command+I! Now try to edit here!
yeah i tried that but it still won't work. i think i might need to change them up using another program because itunes won't let me idk :/
OK..... lets check some things!

If you're songs are from iTMS, have you authorized your iMac to play them?

Open a song in Finder and get info. Just below the label there should be two boxes, one of them being 'Locked'.... make sure its unchecked!

Did your music have any other kind of DRM.... what player did you use before?
i think they might just be locked or not readable by itunes. i used to play the music on itunes on my brothers macbook too. i can play the music but i can't change the tags lemme try what u just said:

well i am looking at the file info and I see that it's read only for privilege but I still can't do anything. i tried read and write but that didn't work and i unlocked a little lock and it still won't let me tag lol :/
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