I've just bought my second alu imac. I sent my previous one (2.4ghz, 1GB) back to apple after a few weeks, simply because of moving house, it was handy getting my money back.
This new one is 2.8ghz, 2GB and has a faster FSB, so all should be great yes?
Well no. The old mac was quick and snappy - I remember being really impressed after squeezing the remote after a week's time and the screen immediately faded straight into front row despite the fact I had some work in process.
I pressed the menu button on the remote on this new Imac last night and, no word of a lie, it took over 90 seconds to get to front row.
That is just one example, but this mac is just generally sluggish at most things - internet (a pause of a few seconds when tabbing through forms) safari often has enough and simply crashes from time to time. - File browsing - starting up and shutting down. I'm sick of seeing that little spinny kaleidoscope.
Okay - there is one thing that could cause all this. vmware fusion? (I think) the problems have been worst since installing it. I used default settings. But now, my mac is slugish most of the time - without vmware running at all.
So I'm thinking, upgrading to 4GB should fix the problems (I intend to to this anyway). But really, should this make that much difference? My last imac had only 1GB and was slower all round but never showed any signs of weakness like this.
Also, I am pretty unhappy with some obvious yellow radial blotches of light that bleed in to the screen from the edges on a black background.
I feel like this imac is a bit too faulty and should just return it.
I bought this one from amazon (as I had a ton of vouchers) but I still have an applecare pack that I never got round to activating last time round.
What would be the best way to get it replaced?
[edit] I've owned it for almost 4 weeks.
I've just bought my second alu imac. I sent my previous one (2.4ghz, 1GB) back to apple after a few weeks, simply because of moving house, it was handy getting my money back.
This new one is 2.8ghz, 2GB and has a faster FSB, so all should be great yes?
Well no. The old mac was quick and snappy - I remember being really impressed after squeezing the remote after a week's time and the screen immediately faded straight into front row despite the fact I had some work in process.
I pressed the menu button on the remote on this new Imac last night and, no word of a lie, it took over 90 seconds to get to front row.
That is just one example, but this mac is just generally sluggish at most things - internet (a pause of a few seconds when tabbing through forms) safari often has enough and simply crashes from time to time. - File browsing - starting up and shutting down. I'm sick of seeing that little spinny kaleidoscope.
Okay - there is one thing that could cause all this. vmware fusion? (I think) the problems have been worst since installing it. I used default settings. But now, my mac is slugish most of the time - without vmware running at all.
So I'm thinking, upgrading to 4GB should fix the problems (I intend to to this anyway). But really, should this make that much difference? My last imac had only 1GB and was slower all round but never showed any signs of weakness like this.
Also, I am pretty unhappy with some obvious yellow radial blotches of light that bleed in to the screen from the edges on a black background.
I feel like this imac is a bit too faulty and should just return it.
I bought this one from amazon (as I had a ton of vouchers) but I still have an applecare pack that I never got round to activating last time round.
What would be the best way to get it replaced?
[edit] I've owned it for almost 4 weeks.