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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Dec 9, 2008
Just bought a 3.06Mhz iMac from our local Apple store last night. Overall very happy with it, but two concerns:

1) It came with the new smaller keyboard with no number pad. I read that it is a 'free' option to get the full size keyboard. But is this only for BTO machines? If not, why didn't they give me that option at the store? I can't believe the default option is the neutered keyboard. And what should I do now? I don't want to return the whole iMac, but I do want the full sized keyboard. I'm going to call the store and see if they'll just swap out the keyboard for me.

2) Dead pixel, lower right corner. I only really notice it when the iMac is booting and the screen is white. I saw it almost immediately, because I was looking specifically for dead pixels. Question is - how common is this? Is it worth asking Apple to do something about it? Or will the next screen just have a dead pixel somewhere else? I'm prepared to live with it if I know it's not uncommon, because I don't want to spend the next three months of my life swapping out LCD screens.

Just bought a 3.06Mhz iMac from our local Apple store last night. Overall very happy with it, but two concerns:

1) It came with the new smaller keyboard with no number pad. I read that it is a 'free' option to get the full size keyboard. But is this only for BTO machines? If not, why didn't they give me that option at the store? I can't believe the default option is the neutered keyboard. And what should I do now? I don't want to return the whole iMac, but I do want the full sized keyboard. I'm going to call the store and see if they'll just swap out the keyboard for me.

Pretty sure it's only when you buy them using the online Apple Store, kind of like the free iPod engraving.
Pretty sure it's only when you buy them using the online Apple Store, kind of like the free iPod engraving.

Yeah I just called the store. They don't sell them with the numeric keypad in store. The only option is to buy one from them for $49 (even though it is free if you BTO). Oh well....

He also seemed quite willing to switch out my iMac for a new one because of the single dead pixel. Still don't know if it's worth it to haul the whole thing back though....
I had to haul my old 2.4ghz iMac in several times due to graphic card issues, then return it due to prints and scratches.

I was pretty ticked, hauling a 24'' imac back and forth, (temps were in the -20'sC/-15'sF)

in the end, they made it right, and I got a brand new 2.8ghz machine.
So, take the extra effort now, so that you can be happy for the rest of your days!
Mac at the very least call and speak to your :apple: store. They may be willing to work with you, especially since you bought your iMac there. I returned a week old previous gen 3.06 model to get the new one at my store, and was ready to shell out more money for the numboard and remote. When they realized they were all sold out they asked if I'd be all right keeping my earlier set up at no cost. I was like "ummm I suppose if I have to". :p

I understand this scenario is different than yours, but most Apple retail stores have a good rep for walk in and walk out happy service. Stop by and be cool with the on duty manager. Talk to him/her about the pixel and your keyboard and you never know.
Update - exchanged dead pixel for stuck pixel

I went back to the Mac store and they were great. They booted it up just to verify the dead pixel and then immediately exchanged it for a brand new one.

I brought it home, fired it up, and couldn't find any dead pixels! Great, time to enjoy the new iMac. But after about half an hour of use I noticed a tiny red pixel in the lower middle part of the screen (just above the dock).

My understanding is that if it is red it is stuck rather than dead? I run the jscreenfixer applet with no success. However, I'm hopeful this will fix itself over time. I don't have the time or the energy to box up this Mac and bring it back to the store.

I love Apple, but their LCD quality is lacking.
I love Apple, but their LCD quality is lacking.

:( Really a worry. Paying such a premium for a computer only to get a sub-standard LCD. I hope Apple get their act together, I thought Quality Control should have spotted this.
I'm going to chime in on the dead pixel stuff.

I had a single dead pixel on my new iMac. I brought it in and no questions asked, they let me exchange it for a new one without the restocking fee. They didn't even make me turn it on to verify the pixel was dead; they just made sure the iMac was in the box I brought in. :)

I had heard horror stories of people trying to exchange things with dead pixels and was terrified I would face a similar situation, but not with my local Apple Store!
I'm going to chime in on the dead pixel stuff.

I had a single dead pixel on my new iMac. I brought it in and no questions asked, they let me exchange it for a new one without the restocking fee. They didn't even make me turn it on to verify the pixel was dead; they just made sure the iMac was in the box I brought in. :)

I had heard horror stories of people trying to exchange things with dead pixels and was terrified I would face a similar situation, but not with my local Apple Store!

I was planning on ordering my iMac 24" online, perhaps I'll go into my local AV-Central store (Apple Reseller) and buy it from them. Just in case I need to bring it back with a humming hard disk or a dead / stuck pixel problem. ;)
I was planning on ordering my iMac 24" online, perhaps I'll go into my local AV-Central store (Apple Reseller) and buy it from them. Just in case I need to bring it back with a humming hard disk or a dead / stuck pixel problem. ;)

I really think that sometimes, getting something directly from a store can help if you ever run into a problem.

I think if you get a product directly from a store, they feel more responsible to fix it if something goes wrong because it came from them. When I brought in my iMac, they looked at the receipt, and remarked, "Oh, you bought it right here."

Of course, I may just be talking out of thin air...
I really think that sometimes, getting something directly from a store can help if you ever run into a problem.

I think if you get a product directly from a store, they feel more responsible to fix it if something goes wrong because it came from them. When I brought in my iMac, they looked at the receipt, and remarked, "Oh, you bought it right here."

Of course, I may just be talking out of thin air...

I think you have a good point. As it happens the supplier I was talking about is where my work buys it's Mac products from - so at least I know the people who work there too.
I went back to the Mac store and they were great. They booted it up just to verify the dead pixel and then immediately exchanged it for a brand new one.

I brought it home, fired it up, and couldn't find any dead pixels! Great, time to enjoy the new iMac. But after about half an hour of use I noticed a tiny red pixel in the lower middle part of the screen (just above the dock).

My understanding is that if it is red it is stuck rather than dead? I run the jscreenfixer applet with no success. However, I'm hopeful this will fix itself over time. I don't have the time or the energy to box up this Mac and bring it back to the store.

I love Apple, but their LCD quality is lacking.

Give it back. Apple QC is crap. Eventually you will get a perfect one, though.

As for the kb, I too have no clue why they'd default a neutered keyboard in the box. I bet 90% of people want the number pad. In my opinion the full kb should be the default and the neutered one should be a free option!

Good thing you didn't buy this online...would have taken weeks.
I'm going to chime in on the dead pixel stuff.

I had a single dead pixel on my new iMac. I brought it in and no questions asked, they let me exchange it for a new one without the restocking fee. They didn't even make me turn it on to verify the pixel was dead; they just made sure the iMac was in the box I brought in. :)

I had heard horror stories of people trying to exchange things with dead pixels and was terrified I would face a similar situation, but not with my local Apple Store!

Wow, pretty atypical. Some Apple stores are super anal about exchanging anything.

Sorry for the double post -- but for the OP -- I suggest you go back and get a replacement, and boot up the machine in the store and verify there are no funky pixels with a dead pixel checker that you can download online. That way you can also test the WiFi! It will save you much aggravation.
I purchased my first Mac today, a 3.06Ghz iMac from a store in the UK. I work in IT and have used PC's for years, but have no experience with OS X, so its all going to be very new to me. Not set it up yet, so im hoping I do not have any pixel problems.

I spoke to the guy in the store about the keyboard expecting them to say they couldn't change it. I was very surprised when they said "not a problem". They still had the full sized keyboard on the shelf and they opened the box and swapped it over for me free of charge. They told me that Apple had recently changed there mind and its now an option in store a well as online :)

Hopefully all you need to do now is ask.
I purchased my first Mac today, a 3.06Ghz iMac from a store in the UK. I work in IT and have used PC's for years, but have no experience with OS X, so its all going to be very new to me. Not set it up yet, so im hoping I do not have any pixel problems.

I spoke to the guy in the store about the keyboard expecting them to say they couldn't change it. I was very surprised when they said "not a problem". They still had the full sized keyboard on the shelf and they opened the box and swapped it over for me free of charge. They told me that Apple had recently changed there mind and its now an option in store a well as online :)

Hopefully all you need to do now is ask.

a retail box? haha definitely not supposed to do that. I'm sure they have some spare ones in the back though. As you said - if you don't ask you don't get.
Having read posts on here about the new keyboards I was not expecting them to do it. They took a new full keyboard off the shelf in the store and did a credit for a new style one and then charged me for a full one, they even gave me the receipt. I asked if they had swapped many over and they said a few when people had asked, but they were running low on stock.

Im glad I asked though I really dont like the new small keyboard.
Give it back. Apple QC is crap. Eventually you will get a perfect one, though.

As for the kb, I too have no clue why they'd default a neutered keyboard in the box. I bet 90% of people want the number pad. In my opinion the full kb should be the default and the neutered one should be a free option!

Good thing you didn't buy this online...would have taken weeks.

I don't think I have the energy to 1) delete all my files off the system 2) box it all up 3) haul it to the mall and fight for a parking spot and 4) convince the Apple store that I really did get two bad LCD screens, I'm not just crazy. just so 5) I get another system with dead pixels.

That said, I'm just so annoyed by this stuck red pixel in the bottom middle of the screen. Gar!
I don't think I have the energy to 1) delete all my files off the system 2) box it all up 3) haul it to the mall and fight for a parking spot and 4) convince the Apple store that I really did get two bad LCD screens, I'm not just crazy. just so 5) I get another system with dead pixels.

That said, I'm just so annoyed by this stuck red pixel in the bottom middle of the screen. Gar!

So after a couple of days of staring at that red pixel whenever I used the dock, I gave the Apple store a call and asked for a manager. I explained the situation and he was very cool about it. He said that while one or two dead/stuck pixels was within spec, they would do whatever they needed to in order to resolve the issue. He told me to bring it in so they could exchange it with a new one, after we boot up the new one in store to confirm it was dead pixel free.

I brought it in last night and they happily made the exchange. They brought out a new system and booted it up, and finally - dead/stuck pixel free!

So - while I am a little disappointed that it took 3 systems to finally get a non-defective screen, I am very impressed with Apple customer service. While they may have lost a little money on two machines that they'll have to refurbish and sell, they've kept a new Apple user as a customer - and I suspect I'll be buying more Apple gear in the (near) future. They would have been completely justified if they refused to make the first or second exchange, but I think it would have just left a bad taste in my mouth and it would have cost them a lot more money down the road....
So after a couple of days of staring at that red pixel whenever I used the dock, I gave the Apple store a call and asked for a manager. I explained the situation and he was very cool about it. He said that while one or two dead/stuck pixels was within spec, they would do whatever they needed to in order to resolve the issue. He told me to bring it in so they could exchange it with a new one, after we boot up the new one in store to confirm it was dead pixel free.

I brought it in last night and they happily made the exchange. They brought out a new system and booted it up, and finally - dead/stuck pixel free!

So - while I am a little disappointed that it took 3 systems to finally get a non-defective screen, I am very impressed with Apple customer service. While they may have lost a little money on two machines that they'll have to refurbish and sell, they've kept a new Apple user as a customer - and I suspect I'll be buying more Apple gear in the (near) future. They would have been completely justified if they refused to make the first or second exchange, but I think it would have just left a bad taste in my mouth and it would have cost them a lot more money down the road....

Glad to hear you got it all straightened out, just a shame the QC isn't what it used to be.
I wonder what they do with all the returned ones with dead pixels , they cannot sell them as refurb because people will return them ?

BTW i hope my BTO Imac is ok when it lands. My 7.1 model bit the dust after 18 months ( no AC ) but the new one has
Fix/replace the screen and sell as refurbished

I wonder if they even bother fixing/replacing the screen for one dead pixel, or if they just hope that the next customer isn't as OCD as I am and doesn't notice it (I think most people wouldn't).
For one or two dead pixels...

...they probably just sell them as refurbs. The refurb MacBook I bought in 2007 had a couple of dead pixels, out of the box. However, I am not a graphics professional nor do I do anything else in which the dead pixels would greatly hinder my work or annoy me, so I just decided it was still a good deal for the price I paid.
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