This is not my personal opinion, look at google trend data in last 90 days: 3-m&q=ipad
With new ipad announcement, only the announcement day google search number has been little bit higher than normal daily number, even the second day is already back to normal range.
Let's look at google trend 5 years data:
Simple: keep dropping in pretty fast speed
Look at iphone trend in 5 years:
very stable with big spark for every new iphone comes out.
Ipad vs Ipod for 2004 to now:,ipod
See? Very similar trend, keep dropping until no one remembers. Just Ipod happened much earlier but the pattern is exactly the same. 3-m&q=ipad
With new ipad announcement, only the announcement day google search number has been little bit higher than normal daily number, even the second day is already back to normal range.
Let's look at google trend 5 years data:
Simple: keep dropping in pretty fast speed
Look at iphone trend in 5 years:
very stable with big spark for every new iphone comes out.
Ipad vs Ipod for 2004 to now:,ipod
See? Very similar trend, keep dropping until no one remembers. Just Ipod happened much earlier but the pattern is exactly the same.