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macrumors regular
Original poster
Aug 4, 2009
Should I buy one now or wait till August when Apple revises the iPads specs? I'm thinking my iPhone 4 can hold me till August :eek:
What makes you think the iPad will be revised in August? It was JUST released, sales are through the roof and there are still more countries to be rolled out.

The iPad will be released in other countries in August. A new one isn't coming out in August. I would wait, as I don't really need one. I would rather own an iPhone 4 than an iPad. But you can buy now. The iPad will probably be refreshed in January or April.
I think your decision should be based on two points. First, do you believe you have an immediate need/practical use for an iPad? And two, would the inclusion of features likely to appear in iPad v2 make you regret your purchase when v2 is announced?

In your situation, an iPhone 4 may negate the 'immediate need' of an iPad until a second version is released. Sure, an iPad still has many advantages over even the newest iPhone, but being able to play with Apple's 'newest' technology could be enough for now. You're getting iOS 4 with the newest bells and whistles, that alone would be enough for me.

As far as version 2 is concerned, consider what features are likely to headline the next iPad. Obviously no one knows for sure, but you can speculate. In my mind, iPad 2 will come in 32, 64 and 128 GB versions, will have more RAM (possibly 512 MB, like iPhone 4, or maybe more), a better graphics card, and a camera with FaceTime capability. Of course, I could be way off. What you should do is decide if features like these are worth waiting for. If they are, you should also consider whether you're willing to forego another seven months without an iPad, if you think you have a need for it.

Hope this helps.
Now. Since you already have an iPhone, a wifi only model will suffice. If ver 2 comes out a year from now with revolutionary updates, there is no reason for regret, you will have enjoyed your iPad for a year, and still could enjoy even without buy rev 2.
Aadhil said:
Should I buy one now or wait till August when Apple revises the iPads specs? I'm thinking my iPhone 4 can hold me till August :eek:

Why even post this? You obviously don't want one.
Should I buy one now or wait till August when Apple revises the iPads specs? I'm thinking my iPhone 4 can hold me till August :eek:

Huh? Where did you get an idea that ipad will be revised by August? I hope you are not getting mixed up with ipad and imac. Apple always update their products one by one, so they do not hurt each other's sales. So, since apple just updated iphone, it's time to focus back on Mac OS. Apple really needs to update macbook air, imac and mac pro. Those are due for updates in August, September and October along with ipods.

I don't think ipad is getting update this year. This year you can expect iOS 4 on ipad and maybe maybe a price drop, but I am not sure.
As has been posted, there will be no new iPad released in August so pick one up now.
I say there won't be new ipad for at least 6 months. It's up to you. Want to wait or jump in? Up to you. I am waiting for Gen 2.
My iPad will end up going to my wife. I'll get the new iPad. I just bought her a new MBP, so...she'll be happy, I'll be happy...:)
God these threads are getting tiresome.

Apple will not be releasing a new iPad anytime soon.

I think we need an auto ban / timeout for any more new threads created from posters whining about rev 2 refresh or 512mb of memory. They should at least be auto wastelanded.
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