I upgraded to a new iPhone 7+ and was originally going to not use the beta software releases. When my new phone wouldn't restore from my backup (since my old phone was on a beta) I opted to put the new phone on the beta and then restore from the backup. So my iPhone 7+ SHOULD be on the iOS 10.1 beta.
I'm on Verizon, and today the 10.0.3 update was released which should fix some connection issues I've been having. Also the beta 4 for 10.1 came out (which I am hoping has the same update). But when I go into my software update I don't have an update. I then started digging around and I notice a few things that are weird:
I'm on Verizon, and today the 10.0.3 update was released which should fix some connection issues I've been having. Also the beta 4 for 10.1 came out (which I am hoping has the same update). But when I go into my software update I don't have an update. I then started digging around and I notice a few things that are weird:
- I am running iOS 10.1 - Software Update tells me I am up to date.
- It just says iOS 10.1, no Public Beta 4 or anything (like I remember it used to on my 6S)
- I don't have the "Profiles & Device Management" setting that I would expect to see if I was running the beta (with the beta profile).