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macrumors regular
Original poster
Aug 6, 2009
Just released on the App store this afternoon here is version 1.2.2. Huge upgrades, check it out!

Here is the website:

iTunes Link:

New in version 1.2.2
-New UI.

-Export to Google Docs.

-New web interface that allows you to stay in the application while viewing help sites, Quizlet, or the Developer Twitter.

-Ability to overwrite Decks downloaded from Google Docs or Quizlet.

-You are now able to create Folders to organize your decks of cards.

-The ability to save Images to your iPhone or iPod Touch camera roll from the Quizlet decks you download.

-There has been a change to the Incorrect Study Mode, as you mark cards as being incorrect they will show up in this study mode. Once all the answers have been marked as correct they will no longer appear in this study mode.

-Removed the requirement to have to have a Question and an answer on card creation. In this case you can have a card with only a picture on the front and have an answer written on the back of the card.

-You can now add Images to the Answer.

-There is a new study option that will allow you to randomize which side of the card is shown while studying decks.

-There is now an indicator to show whether a Quizlet Deck has images associated with the deck.

-Placing an existing card into a deck is now easier, you can search by deck or by card when placing existing cards into different decks.

-New Google Docs manager:

-Ability to delete documents in Google Docs.

-Ability to add folders to your Google Docs account.

-Ability to place your Documents into multiple folders for better organization.

-You can now preview documents before downloading them.

-Google Docs in IFlashCardPro now supports PDF’s, you can now download your PDF’s from Google Docs and Study them there.

-You can now View PDF’s and place bookmarks in the PDF to view at a later time.







Version 1.2 now on the App Store!

- More study Options!
• There is now an option to show answers first.
• There is now an option for timed study sessions.
• There is now an option for a document view, this study mode makes it appear as if you wrote the notes yourself. This mode also includes images.
- In normal flash card study mode images selected to appear larger will now appear bigger than in previous versions.
- You can now import Google Spreadsheets in a 2 column format.
- Import decks of cards from
• Import Decks and Images.
• Search the Quizlet database for decks that suit your needs.
- Amazing UI enhancements to improve user experience.

This app was just put on the Appstore last night! iFlashCardPro is an excellent study tool. This application will assist you in learning the information for any study situation.

-Build Decks to include Question, Answer, Picture, and Audio.
-Import decks created on Google Docs.
-Import Images uploaded to Google Docs.
- Record keeping for how well you did while studying.
-Modify existing cards to fit your study needs.
-Create as many decks and cards as you need.
-Take or use existing pictures to be used for each card.
-Record audio to be used in your cards.
-Shuffle your cards while studying to view the cards in a random order.
-View larger card images by touching the picture.
-You can skip cards, you will only be graded on the cards you answer.
-Check how well you did in the Scores section.
-Use the shake gesture to shuffle your cards.
Here are some promo codes for my macrumors friends!


Please post any ideas or comments for future updates of my application :)
code TMMEKKEFMYM6 used. Will check it out and rate/review.


RJEE7MH6NYEL used and looking forward to it... I have needed this app for a while now!
There is now a lite version available for all of you who would like to try the app before getting the full version. iTunes Link
What's New iFlashCardPro v1.1:
• Info buttons have larger touch areas.
• Email the developer from about screen.
• Rate this app option (directs you to iTunes app).
• Visit developer twitter site.
• Options Menu for studying decks.
• 3 Study styles added while studying decks.
• Smart - Study with cards placed in an order that you have missed the most.
• Random - Study with cards from the selected deck in random order.
• Incorrect - Study with only cards that have been marked incorrect, if this is the first time through all cards will be displayed in a random order.
• New UI Enhancements.
• Text on the card will stretch all the way across if there is no image on that particular card.
Lame. There are like hundreds of flashcard apps on the iTunes store.. many are free. A good free one is STUDY FLASH.

Thank you for your input... The application you suggested does not provide any of the functionality that my app provides. Study Flash does not allow you to include pictures or audio. Or keep track of how you did while studying. Nor does this application provide any way to automatically cater to what you need to study.

Thank you.
What's with people trashing developer's work directly to the developer? He's stating it's in the new update cause possibly some people might've tried the first version out and gotten irritated at the lack of that function, and so deleted it. If they know that's been fixed, they may redownload the app and eventually tell others it's a decent app. I'd do the same as a developer. I keep up to date on a few apps that lack what I'm looking for, but show potential of getting those features. Some finance apps might be perfect if they were tweaked just a little to make new transaction entries faster.

And the developer's right, his app offers more features than the app it's being compared to.
What's with people trashing developer's work directly to the developer? He's stating it's in the new update cause possibly some people might've tried the first version out and gotten irritated at the lack of that function, and so deleted it. If they know that's been fixed, they may redownload the app and eventually tell others it's a decent app. I'd do the same as a developer. I keep up to date on a few apps that lack what I'm looking for, but show potential of getting those features. Some finance apps might be perfect if they were tweaked just a little to make new transaction entries faster.

And the developer's right, his app offers more features than the app it's being compared to.

Thank you Goku :) I added the feature to email me from directly in the app, hopefully people will use that to make requests for feature enhancements.
Lame. There are like hundreds of flashcard apps on the iTunes store.. many are free. A good free one is STUDY FLASH.

Sparky, your friend's app is a joke compared to iFlashCardPro. The import/export "function" (if you can even call it that) is copy and paste to either email or text. In order to import cards, they must be in the correct text format, which requires that I first make cards directly on the phone in order to export them to see what the format requires. It's just criminal that Study Flash tries to charge 99 cents for that "feature". Any users who acknowledge how LAME that process is would need to make all of their cards directly on the app itself. And y'know what? That might actually be okay for the most avid text-messaging-fanatic... if it weren't for the fact that STUDY FLASH CONSTANTLY CRASHES FOR NO OBVIOUS REASON. Tell your friend I want my dollar back so I can give it to the iFlashCardPro developer as a tip for doing so much better of a job.

For those wondering, here is exactly why iFlashCardPro is so much better for me:
Firstly, it hasn't crashed on me yet.
Secondly, I can easily import my notes from Google Docs which works greatly for me. I copy and paste my already-typed-out notes into a doc (I take notes on my laptop during class) and download them into the phone (without paying an additional 99 cents... and Google Docs allows me to share my notes with the others in my study group).
Thirdly, the picture functionality is great too. I take pictures of the diagrams drawn on the whiteboards during class and easily drop them onto cards for quick and easy reference. Not many other flashcard apps even allow pictures.
Fourthly, it isn't overcrowded with way too much information (or god-awful ads) to where it doesn't look like a flashcard anymore.
And finally, it costs $2 and not $5. (And the $5 apps wanted me to download additional desktop software to do import/export of cards). $2 is less than a pack of flashcards at the campus bookstore and iFlashCardPro offers more than what I can get with regular flashcards.

So if I wanted a useless app, I could get one for free (and possibly pay more for new features that are just as useless). Of if I wanted the exact same features and had some desire to put more third-party software on my computer (not all of which is free), I could pay more (lots more in some cases). So really, I'm content taking the Goldilocks approach.
Coming soon v1.2 Update, many new enhancements.

- More study Options!
• There is now an option to show answers first.
• There is now an option for timed study sessions.
• There is now an option for a document view, this study mode makes it appear as if you wrote the notes yourself. This mode also includes images.
- In normal flash card study mode images selected to appear larger will now appear bigger than in previous versions.
- You can now import Google Spreadsheets in a 2 column format.
- Import decks of cards from
• Import Decks and Images.
• Search the Quizlet database for decks that suit your needs.
- Amazing UI enhancements to improve user experience.

Release should be next week or the week after. Thanks!




Version 1.2 Now on the App store. The application is on sale for Free until 04/03/2010. Check it out and leave some feed back please!

- More study Options!
• There is now an option to show answers first.
• There is now an option for timed study sessions.
• There is now an option for a document view, this study mode makes it appear as if you wrote the notes yourself. This mode also includes images.
- In normal flash card study mode images selected to appear larger will now appear bigger than in previous versions.
- You can now import Google Spreadsheets in a 2 column format.
- Import decks of cards from
• Import Decks and Images.
• Search the Quizlet database for decks that suit your needs.
- Amazing UI enhancements to improve user experience.

Release should be next week or the week after. Thanks!
Thanks for the great app! My one question is when will:

- You can now import Google Spreadsheets in a 2 column format.

be implemented?

The version that is on the app store allows you to import spread sheets from Google Docs.
Version 1.2.2 Released today on the App store! Huge updates. (Listed in first post).

If you have any questions or comments please leave them here!

Edit: iPad iFlashCardPro in development. Sorry it takes a while, I'm the only one working on it :)
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