So, I've had an iPod touch for almost a year, and I got tired of carrying around both my iPod and my cell phone. This morning I purchased and activated a brand new iPhone 3G.
I thought I had heard that the contacts app on the iPhone was integrated within the phone app, with no standalone icon on the home screen. I had gotten used to the separate app on the iPod touch, but I deemed it a worthy sacrifice, and I figured I could download one of the many 3rd party contacts management applications.
HOWEVER, when I plugged the iPhone into my macbook to sync for the first time, iTunes asked me if I wanted to restore the iPhone from the backup of my iPod touch that it still had on file. I figured, sure, why not? If it corrupts something, I'll just restore it again.
After the restore was complete, this is what I saw:

Click for full size - Uploaded with plasq's Skitch
Now I'm doing a double take! Was I mistaken? Is the contacts app included on the iPhone, same as the iPod touch? Or did I just figure out a workaround for us iPod touch owners?
Or is this old news? I googled really quick, but I couldn't find anything recent.
I thought I had heard that the contacts app on the iPhone was integrated within the phone app, with no standalone icon on the home screen. I had gotten used to the separate app on the iPod touch, but I deemed it a worthy sacrifice, and I figured I could download one of the many 3rd party contacts management applications.
HOWEVER, when I plugged the iPhone into my macbook to sync for the first time, iTunes asked me if I wanted to restore the iPhone from the backup of my iPod touch that it still had on file. I figured, sure, why not? If it corrupts something, I'll just restore it again.
After the restore was complete, this is what I saw:

Click for full size - Uploaded with plasq's Skitch
Now I'm doing a double take! Was I mistaken? Is the contacts app included on the iPhone, same as the iPod touch? Or did I just figure out a workaround for us iPod touch owners?
Or is this old news? I googled really quick, but I couldn't find anything recent.