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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Jan 11, 2024
Hey peeps... so I had this problem with my old 15" 2015 MBP, where the body would give a weird sticky feeling if I had my feet down and it was plugged in.
I changed to the 3pin extension cable and it seemed to help. Either way, I found out this was a normal thing - they earth through their bodies... all good.

But now I have a brand new M1 and it's doing the same thing when it's not even plugged in.

I want to know if this is normal, or if this indicated some kind of voltage leak from the battery. I don't know why it happens when it's not plugged in, as I'd think it no longer needs any earthing.

Any advice?


macrumors 65816
Mar 8, 2020
Had static in the past and fixed with extension prong as you said.

But with m1 14, i have never experienced that on power and without connection. I would vouch for a leak and return/repair.
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macrumors 68030
Mar 17, 2010
With my 2016 MacBook I fixed "sticky static" (when plugged in) with a 3 pin extension - I bought the Apple one which includes a cord. I have not noticed anything with my M3 MBP when either unplugged or using the unearthed power supply. So I agree with @ctjack - not normal. Get it tested by Apple or local authorised repairer.
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