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macrumors member
Original poster
Dec 12, 2010
Greetings,to you all:)

I ordered a mid 2010 Mac Pro computer a couple of weeks ago and it has arrived today, I have taken a look at it, but won’t be able to set it up just yet. Perhaps during the week or the weekend.

Also have few questions, somehow I need to get the registered programs I use on the G4 onto this Mac. I do not know the best way to do that. Could I do this through the Ethernet ports of the G4 connected to the MP and copy the programs over? Or should I just reinstall the programs again? I am not sure if this is possible because they are registered to the G4.

What is the most simplest way of doing this? I have heard of something called migration is that what one would use?

The G4 is using OS Tiger will there be any problems in connecting to the Mac Pro through Ethernet?

This next section would fit in the Power Mac forum.
I want to sell the G4,when the time comes how can one initialise it back to factory settings? Do I format the hard drive?

The G4 is a mirror drive, dual Cpu with firewire 800,2 gigabytes of ram (selling)with one Apple 17inch studio monitor screen, the apple keyboard (which was white but has turned to a cream kind of colour)the Apple mouse, the recovery disk and manuals. In fact everything apart from the original ram and box. It also has an Apple Scsi card installed. At the time of purchase the G4 cost roughly $5000 just over 3000 UK sterling(using today's currency) with 2 apple studio screens.

How much could one sell this for? I am guessing very little and I do not have the space to keep it.

The Mac Pro it is very large, I would even say huge, it is a big Mac, bigger than the G4 and the design of the case on the outside seems to me impeccable:D. Though I may place it in a corner, not decide on this and if it is anything as loud as a G4 well I guess the corner will be okay for it. And I can turn it on or off through one of the Apple screens I have, not opened it inside just yet. I hope it runs smoothly for many years.

I mean to say sorry to everyone at Mac Rumors for the last few days with the light peak and its announcement, it was too much:eek:. Perhaps one that follows future technology too closely forgets the present. I guess if this future technology of light peak will not be compatible with the 2008,2009 or 2010 Mac Pro, then one must make do without and I still do not understand why it will never be compatible but things have to move on I guess.

Also regarding Light Peak, I am aware as a brand it is called Thunderbolt but when I see the abbreviation of TB I think Terabyte or the prefix of Tera and not Thunderbolt. LP I know means light peak. but it could also mean long play:).

I have purchased but still waiting for the SATA Areca Raid card 1880i that kindly nanofrog suggested to use and thanks again nanofrog for all your previous help, it was much appreciated. I just hope, but perhaps one is hoping to much it all works together when the time comes. From installing the programs and the Raid Card with the SSD’s to the new RAM. Regarding all the different hardware and software I hope the tag line ’it just works’ is real.

Thanks for the help in the past all best and have a nice day.
What software are we talking about? Most software with license key lets you deauthorize it in order to move it to other computer for example. I would reinstall the software as G4 is getting a bit old and transferring software from Tiger to SL doesn't sound like a too good idea.
Reinstall. As HellHammer mentioned, some software specifically requires you to deauthorize on the old computer first. Most don't care.

I think Snow Leopard left out Rosetta by default, so you might have to install that on the Mac Pro to get older PPC binaries to work.
Not to mention, if the some of the software originally installed on the G4 came on a universal binary (i.e. both PPC and Intel versions on the installer), you would really want to the reinstall the software so that the Mac Pro is running the Intel versions (if available) for better performance.

Rosetta (Apple's PPC emulator) is left out of Snow Leopard by default. If you attempt to launch a PPC application, it will prompt you to download Rosetta from Apple's server. It's a pretty seamless process, actually.
Thanks Hellhammer , ActionableMango and CaptainChunk thanks for the helpful advice. Yeah cheers, the programs I use have both PPC code and Intel code. So it would make sense to install the Intel coded programs into the Intel machine,sorry about that:).

I have been using Cubase for a little over 10 years up to Cubase 4. I also use Kontact2 many East West Kompakt libraries and Sibelius 4 for scoring if I need to do such things.

Called Steinberg and they said the best thing to do is to reinstall the program again, and I have the DVD so that is what I shall do. I am not sure how the others work as none have key licences but require authorisation not sure how to de-authorise the programs I guess I will give them a call, if I get problems updating the programs.

I have the upgrade to Cubase 6 which is 64bit. Kontact 4 is 64bit the only thing that is not 64bit is EW Play which is still 32bit in the Mac OS, but over at the Eastwest forum they said they are working hard on the Mac OS program and in the coming months they say Play will be 64bit.

Thanks for all the advice, if I have further inquiries on various things regarding the Mac Pro, I would like to use this thread in the future.
Have a nice day.
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