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macrumors member
Original poster
Feb 3, 2014
Fired up the new iMac today to find that I have an issue with image manipulation in Pages.
I'm trying to take a number images and lay them out in a tile pattern on an 8.5x11 document. This is something that I've had no problems doing for years and many versions of Pages. As of today I am having a problem positioning the images as I please. When I move one of them a ghost outline of the original position remains, and when releasing the image only the part of it that was positioned in the original location is visible. Attached are screen shots for better clarification. My MBP has no such problems and I've gone over the preferences and settings with a fine toothed comb, computers side-by-side, to see what is different. The Pages application appears to be configured the same with both machines. Anyone have an idea? It's probably pretty simple, but the the solution has escaped me!

Correct.pngMove with ghost.pngResulting position error.png
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I have no damn use for this and I don't know how to make it go away:
Screen Shot 2020-09-10 at 6.12.48 PM.png

You must have double clicked the image by accident. This is the Edit Mask feature. It lets you crop an image. Also, within the size selected you can drag the image.

For example, you can place a large image in the document, double click it, reduce the size by dragging in the corners or sides, then drag the image within this frame to get just the part of the image you want. This is non-destructive. You can come back later and double click the image and resize it again.

If you see this happen just click Done. If you changed the image use CTR-Z to revert to the earlier appearance.

I use this all the time. I love it. I do a lot of screen shots on windows when making training documents. This way I don't have to try to precisely cut just the part of the image I want. I snip the overall region with a border on all sides then trim it down precisely in Pages.
I figured it out...
On a complete whim, I set the trackpad aside and tried performing the task with a mouse. The issue was no longer there! I then went to the MBP, and opened Systemprefs/trackpad and cross referenced what I saw with my iMac's systemprefs/trackpad. Though both machines make use of a trackpad and are running Catalina 10.15.6, they are not the same. The iMac's "Magic Trackpad" has an option to "force click with haptic feed back". When that is selected, the problem persists, and there is no way out until it's deselected. This, I think, is a BUG.

MBP Trackpad.pngiMac Trackpad.png
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