I have just ordered a new Seagate ST910021AS 7200RPM 100GB 2.5" SATA 8MB HD for my incoming MacBook from www.dabs.com here in the UK, however it is not in stock but a model they do have in stock and ready to ship is the Hitachi Travelstar 7200RPM 7K100 100GB U100 8M 0A25016.
Should I change my order to the Hitachi Travelstar or wait for the Seagate? The price difference is negligible. I haven't got a clue about which drive should be better for the job!
Cheers in advance
Should I change my order to the Hitachi Travelstar or wait for the Seagate? The price difference is negligible. I haven't got a clue about which drive should be better for the job!
Cheers in advance