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macrumors regular
Original poster
May 17, 2006
Maryland, USA
My daughter's white Macbook 1.83/60GB/512/MB arrived a few days ago. This morning, I upgraded the drive to a Hitchi 160GB SATA and upgraded the RAM to 2GB of G.Skill, using the instructions found in Apple's DUI video and this thread.

I inserted the AC power adapter, pressed the ON button, and...nothing happens. The screen stays dark, and I can't hear the hard drive move.

I think I saw the ON button glow green for a fraction of a second the first time I pressed it. But now, even the green fails to show.

This was my biggest fear. I don't know whether I

- failed to ground myself adequately when installing the hard dive or RAM, or
-misinstalled the hard drive and RAM.

The hard drive seemed to go in OK, but I was never able to hear a click when installing the RAM.

Would poorly seated RAM or hard drive be enough to cause the LCD to stay dark? What if both were installed wrong?

I have not yet installed the MacOS CD-ROM; I was afraid to insert the disk when the LCD is unlit and I can't hear the drive spinning.

Where do I go from here?
Your ram is not in all the way. It takes superhuman levles of strength to seat the ram correctly. I swear to god I flipped out as well adn so did many other people. You cannot worry about breaking the ram just force it in with all your might.
PaulinMaryland said:
My daughter's white Macbook 1.83/60GB/512/MB arrived a few days ago. This morning, I upgraded the drive to a Hitchi 160GB SATA and upgraded the RAM to 2GB of G.Skill, using the instructions found in Apple's DUI video and this thread.

I inserted the AC power adapter, pressed the ON button, and...nothing happens. The screen stays dark, and I can't hear the hard drive move.

I think I saw the ON button glow green for a fraction of a second the first time I pressed it. But now, even the green fails to show.

This was my biggest fear. I don't know whether I

- failed to ground myself adequately when installing the hard dive or RAM, or
-misinstalled the hard drive and RAM.

The hard drive seemed to go in OK, but I was never able to hear a click when installing the RAM.

Would poorly seated RAM or hard drive be enough to cause the LCD to stay dark? What if both were installed wrong?

I have not yet installed the MacOS CD-ROM; I was afraid to insert the disk when the LCD is unlit and I can't hear the drive spinning.

Where do I go from here?

Erm, it's not doing anything because it doesn't know what to do.

Put the OSX disc in, and hold down C when you turn it on.

It should then boot from the OSX DVD and you should go to Disk Utility and format the disc to HFS+ (journalled). The you can install Mac OS and get it all up and running.
I'm gonna assume that Chundles was composing his reply even as ModestPenguin posted his. ModestPenguin, I will try reseating the RAM till I hear a click for each module.

Thanks, both; I'll keep you posted. Chundles, I'll do as you bid after reseating the RAM, assuming the LCD lights up.
PaulinMaryland said:
I'm gonna assume that Chundles was composing his reply even as ModestPenguin posted his. ModestPenguin, I will try reseating the RAM till I hear a click for each module.

Thanks, both; I'll keep you posted. Chundles, I'll do as you bid after reseating the RAM, assuming the LCD lights up.

Yep, the penguin is just too fast for me (not that he'd tell you ;) ). He's right though, give the RAM a big push so they seat properly then boot from the OSX DVD.

You'll get the install screen, quit the OSX install and choose "Disk Utility" from inside one of the menus up the top. Then format the disk and install.

Well, I've pushed again and again but can't hear a click. I know I'm orienting the RAM the correct way: front notch at the left, just as shown in the Apple video and PDF.

So I tried again--without bothering to reinstall the damn L-bracket or battery--and this time, I hear the fan going--or is it the hard drive? But the LCD remains unlit, even though I pre-inserted the DVD 1 MacOS Install disk, held down the C key, turned the Mac on, and continued depressing the C key for a good minute.

I'll get a more handy family member--my 15-year-old daughter--and see if she can install the RAM with a click.

If all tips in this thread don't work, I'll bundle the whole thing up and drive it to a Mac store and pay them to get it right. I can't believe the LCD is dead right out of the box. I think that one of my four scenarios up front are the culprit; I'm hoping I didn't fry anything. I touched metal before touching the parts, but I don't have an ESD strap.
Try what Chundles said, I Didnt even digest the fact that the HD was new

I am only half awake, sorry. Do what Chundles said and if it still doesnt work the ram is in wrong.

Are we looking at the reason without seeing it?

DUI?? Driving Under the Influence?? Are you drink-tech-ing Paul??:p :D

I think you mean DIY for Do It Yourself.

Hope it all works out, if all else fails, head to an Apple Store.

I pushed with all my might, and lo and behold, each RAM module seated another 1/8 inch (3mm). Now the LCD lights up when I start the Mac, and the Welcome/Install screen appears. Thanks!

I still haven't managed to get to a formatting option. I'm asked to select a destination volume, and of course there's no volume shown.

When starting the Mac, I held down the C key for the entire boot sequence, not letting go until words appeared. This time I'll try again, holding down the C key for just a few moments as the Mac starts.

Funny about DUI vs. DIY! It's more like DWC--Done Without Coffee.
Hurrah! One problem solved. I differ to Chundles as he has greater knowledge of the Mac and its intricate needs. Good Luck.
Complete success!

I couldn't see the formatting/partitioning option--or any menus, for that matter--because the Welcome/Install window was not maximized. Somehow, I figured this out. As soon as I maxized the window, I saw a full set of menus and found my way to the formatting/partitioning options. I chose the default opiton, "Mac OS Extended (Journaled)." I hope that's right. The Mac correctly identified the drive as a Hitachi 149.05GB. It's formatting now.

PaulinMaryland said:
I chose the default opiton, "Mac OS Extended (Journaled)." I hope that's right. The Mac correctly identified the drive as a Hitachi 149.05GB. It's formatting now.
That is the correct option, and I just want you to know that you made my morning with the DUI drive installation typo.

By the way, you'll probably be fine, but the last time I installed a fresh drive even after formatting it didn't show up as ok to install on. If this happens, just reboot and go back to the installer--it will recognize it the second time through, for whatever reason. Although it'll probably recognize it the first time and it was just a fluke in my case...
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