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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Jul 5, 2006
South West England
i have a new macbook, and have put all of my work on it. What is the best way of deleting things that are installed with osx by default (such as languages) that i don't need?
i don't want to mess up my first mac!
Hytower77 said:
I think with the languages, you might be stuck. (Don't know for sure, if someone knows, i'm interested too.) I know when you do a clean install, you can have it leave languages out.

As far as the other stuff, are you just talking apps or what?

yeah i suppose, just anything that isnt truly needed as well as apps that i dont want
Tinkertool can remove your non English languages.

check the box "Don't touch Adobe applications" before you remove the unwanted language files.

For the unwanted applications just drag them to the trash.
i'd recommend deleting the printer drivers you don't need. i think they are in the library folder. there was a forum about this a few months ago... try searching for "delete unwanted print drivers" or something. try deleting some of the programs you don't use either - a friend of mine deleted garageband and imovie and idvd since he doesn't use any of those things. sorry i can't be of more help - my mac is at home and i'm stuck using a windows pc at work.
Delocaliser and monolingual are good for removing languages.

I must give the priner drivers a go myself someday ,but it is nice to be able to walk up to any printer (especially a work one) and print off your 40 page paper.

You should also remove the trial of iWork and Office if you aren't using them, or just get rid of the one you don't want. Garageband and iDVD if you're not using them are space hogs, so they can go.

Keep your pron on a DVD-RW or USB flash drive. It'll save loads of space.:p
j26 said:
Delocaliser and monolingual are good for removing languages.

I heard Delocaliser and monolingual were giving people problems (failure to launch) with their Adobe programs, including Acrobat Reader. I believe this only occurs on Intel Macs.
Frisco said:
I heard Delocaliser and monolingual were giving people problems (failure to launch) with their Adobe programs, including Acrobat Reader. I believe this only occurs on Intel Macs.
i had this problem when i accidently removed all the old architectures..haha

lol omftgz! n00bs!
Frisco said:
I heard Delocaliser and monolingual were giving people problems (failure to launch) with their Adobe programs, including Acrobat Reader. I believe this only occurs on Intel Macs.

DO NOT under any circumstances use the feature of monolingual to remove the powerPC stuff from universal binaries. It screws up rosettta in the proccess :eek:
Out of curiosity, this is a brand new Mac which presumably has a pretty large hard disk that's bigger than the one you're transferring data from (unless it's a laptop). Are you running out of space already? Because if you aren't even close to running out of space yet I'd advise waiting to prune the disk if you don't need to yet.
First thing i do when i get a new Mac or new Hard Drive is wipe it and Reinstall everything from Scratch... Saves a tremendous amount of space.

Mac's come pre-installed with around 10-15 Gigabytes of stuff, and with a BARE installation of OSX without all the Printer drivers, Languages and software i dont need (garageband,iDVD,iWEB,etc) i can get that down to 2 GB. I just reinstall what software i need as i need it.
gman71882 said:
First thing i do when i get a new Mac or new Hard Drive is wipe it and Reinstall everything from Scratch... Saves a tremendous amount of space.

Mac's come pre-installed with around 10-15 Gigabytes of stuff, and with a BARE installation of OSX without all the Printer drivers, Languages and software i dont need (garageband,iDVD,iWEB,etc) i can get that down to 2 GB. I just reinstall what software i need as i need it.

this was also the first thing that i did, saved a ton of hard drive space. i ususally only used one printer and in all my years of computing, never had use for any of the language software.
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