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macrumors 68020
Original poster
May 16, 2013
Kansas, USA
Hello! I know this has probably been asked before, but I couldn't find a solution in old threads.

Basically I'm trying to set up new mail accounts on my rMBP running Sierra (and my iPhone 7). The first account is a Google Mail account, and the other is an Outlook Web App account. Both are college student accounts. I've set up both through Internet accounts in Settings, but when I try to open them in Mail they show as offline. I have several other accounts already set up including my personal Gmail account, work Outlook, and another school Google account. These were all set up on previous version of OS X/mac OS without issue.

So what's the issue here? Am I missing some sever name or setting? App passwords are not an issue with the Google account as they are disabled as a feature (not by my choice). Help! I would prefer not to have to download extra apps on my phone or remember to check these accounts in my browser on my Mac.
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