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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Sep 7, 2010
Loopycube is bursting at the seams to introduce their soon-to-be-released massively multiplayer game to the App Store.


Join a real-time question competition with strange natives in a quest to reach Princess Mango. To win in this online multiplayer game, you have to go native! Get into the minds of the other players and guess what they'll answer. Players that pick the most popular answer to eachquestion move closer to the Princess. Can you outsmart the other natives and get to the Princess first?

Go Native! features beautiful original artwork and music, fun questions, rib-tickling answers and ‘round-the-clock casual gameplay with other iPhone users around the globe.


Go Native! teaser trailer:
New Multiplayer game titled Go Native! coming to the App Store.

Our teaser trailer is now online! I’ve updated the first post to include it. Check it out and let us know your thoughts.

We’ve also submitted the app to Apple to review. It should be live soon!
We hope others will like it as much as we do. Currently the game is 'In Review'.

We'll have a demo video ready by next week.
It has been approved!

Go Native on the App Store

For the next day or so we will be selling it for 0.99$, afterwards we will be bumping it up to 2.99.

We will be running contests on Facebook and Twitter. Some of the prizes will be for promo codes.

We've already hit the top 10 trivia games. I can't wait to see how high it goes!
It has been approved!

Go Native on the App Store

For the next day or so we will be selling it for 0.99$, afterwards we will be bumping it up to 2.99.

We will be running contests on Facebook and Twitter. Some of the prizes will be for promo codes.

We've already hit the top 10 trivia games. I can't wait to see how high it goes!

Looks alright, but I just bought a load of apps the other day. Hoping for a promo code to try it out sometime in the future.
Looks alright, but I just bought a load of apps the other day. Hoping for a promo code to try it out sometime in the future.

We've started hosting contests on Facebook and twitter. Currently we're giving away an Apple TV, but promo codes will be given out that way as well.

Check out and @loopycube for a chance to win them.
We've had lots of questions about what the game looks like on the device. Our teaser trailer developed some interest but some people want more!

So we've set up an intro video.

Check it out here:

Go Native! Intro
Go Native! version 1.1

59 Go Native! changes have been completed and are now "in review"!

We’ve dug through the comments on the App Store, the comments left on our Facebook fan page, and the comments submitted by us via email. After sorting through it we’ve come up with a huge number of updates which greatly increase the fun to be had in our app.

The biggest and most important changes are...

No More Waiting!
Each round has had more than 30% of the wait cut out. Remember when you saw ‘Round Start’? Well, that’s been banished from the game.
Every game starts faster! We know you’re busy, and you just want to play now. There’s almost 50% less waiting for a game to start.
Less synchronizing. Actually, no more synchronizing. It’s all done while the rest of the game is happening, you won’t see that forbidden word in our game ever again.

Less Bots!
Bots leave the game as players join. When there’s 8 people in a game, there is no chance a Bot can beat you.
Bots join the game when players leave. There is no more chance for a game to end because of a lack of remaining players.

More Pixels!
We’ve added Retina graphics to the game for those of you who have the right device. When you load up the 2x version on the iPad, it will load the high res graphics as well.

More Content!
There are 25% more questions then when we first released and there is a hidden mini-game.

The bug!
The only bug we had reported has been savagely squashed. Us Loopycubians have a thing against bugs - especially in our games.

More Updates!
There are even more updates planned for the next version in a few weeks. Making the % wins leaderboard more meaningful, adding special events and making the game easier to share with your friends are all planned updates. Stay informed - our Facebook fans and Twitter followers will be the first to know the details about these.
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