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So basically this is a D600 with a new shutter mechanism.
one that doesn't cover the sensor with oil spots (Hopefully)

If i'd spent over £1500 on a D600 last year I'm not sure i'd be to pleased about this.
So basically this is a D600 with a new shutter mechanism.
one that doesn't cover the sensor with oil spots (Hopefully)

If i'd spent over £1500 on a D600 last year I'm not sure i'd be to pleased about this.

Wanna buy a gently used D600? :)

Nikon should have recalled the D600. Really disappointing.
So basically this is a D600 with a new shutter mechanism.
one that doesn't cover the sensor with oil spots (Hopefully)

If i'd spent over £1500 on a D600 last year I'm not sure i'd be to pleased about this.

Exactly this. I love my Nikons, and when Nikon gets something right, they're spot on. But...their marketing and support organizations could do with a nice house-cleaning.

You can get a D600 for £1300 on Amazon, not sure .5fps a second burst improvement and slightly better weather sealing is worth another £500.
Nikon really do have terrible marketing and business sense.

Thom Hogan has a good take on it here.
Nikon should really offer a free replacement shutter to anyone with a D600 that wants one.
OK, I agree that that oil on the sensor shouldn't have happened in the first place but this turned out to be an incredibly over-hyped problem. I read the posts in the reviews and forums and people were in a rabid panic over this.

A month after purchase, I took my D600 back to the store where they spent about 15 minutes cleaning the sensor and I haven't had a problem since.

The D600 is an awesome camera and I'm sure the D610 will be just a little better but I have absolutely no regrets…well done Nikon!
Wanna buy a gently used D600? :)

Nikon should have recalled the D600. Really disappointing.

Exactly, they are not taking care of their customers. They probably had relatively low D600 sales because of the oil. So they rename it to D610, hoping people who are using google, will not find anything about oil when looking for D600 info.

I *was* really interested in the D600 (DPReview awarded it 87%), but will probably go for a Canon 70d or even 5d Mark III. Feel my money is better spent there.
this turned out to be an incredibly over-hyped problem.

It depends. If you have had to clean your D600 only once, as you wrote, then for you to complain about the oil would, I agree, be "over-hyped." But, I have to clean mine (or have it cleaned) about every 1000 shots. If you think the problem, for me, is "over-hyped," want to trade bodies, straight across? :)

I'm not rabid over the issue. In fact, I think the post above is my first ever post complaining about the D600. Other than the oil, I love this camera, and use it much more than my D3s or my D800. And, with 15 Nikon lenses staring me in the face, I am not at risk of switching platforms.

But, I respectfully believe your comment about "over-hype" is "under-hyped," at least in my case. Nikon knows they screwed up, witness the D610. And, they have made a business calculation that they are better off just screwing those D600 owners who have the oil splattering problem. They are, I guess, entitled to make that decision. And I am entitled to keep it in mind in respect of future purchases.
seems like an update they had to do, and one of the reason why i didn't get a D600 over a D7100, not to add the "bad" AF system...
But, I respectfully believe your comment about "over-hype" is "under-hyped," at least in my case.

Kurwenal, I'll concede that, for people in your situation and for people like you who intelligently express concern over the issue, the problem is not over-hyped.

What does leave me feeling that the problem is/was over-hyped is expressions of "pure horror", "sinking into depression" and "living with this nightmare". With expressions of thought such as these, I can't help but think that some people need a reality check.
Fair enough.

I just ordered an RX-100 II. I think I'm going to sell everything and just go with simplicity.......
Won't buy this just on principle. They pulled this stunt with the SB-900 Speedlight.
I'm not a Nikon user, but I read about this online, and I basically think this is pretty much the D600, minus the oil on the sensor issue, repackaged and named the D610. I know quite a few Nikon shooters who have told me that the oil on the sensor was blown way out of proportion. Wasn't there also a minor issue with the D800's too?

If anything, it certainly gives those who were looking to purchase the D600 something to look forward to in that prices should be drop.
Won't buy this just on principle. They pulled this stunt with the SB-900 Speedlight.
I don't like the attitude, but you will forget it soon experiencing maybe the best sensor in the world with a spot-on number of megapixels.
I don't like the attitude, but you will forget it soon experiencing maybe the best sensor in the world with a spot-on number of megapixels.

I'm looking at making a move to Fuji X series or the new Sony Alpha 7. It's a non-issue. Nikon is a company with quality control problems, poor customer service and non-innovating products. They just release the same camera, over and over again. I want a small, full frame camera (mostly street photography) or at least a smaller APS-C.
I'm looking at making a move to Fuji X series or the new Sony Alpha 7. It's a non-issue. Nikon is a company with quality control problems, poor customer service and non-innovating products. They just release the same camera, over and over again. I want a small, full frame camera (mostly street photography) or at least a smaller APS-C.

BS !

Nikon still has the best sensor in the planet! What is it the D800? Their lens coating is a work of art. Stop this nonsense.
BS !

Nikon still has the best sensor in the planet! What is it the D800? Their lens coating is a work of art. Stop this nonsense.

It's silly to even argue about "best". All 35mm size dSLRs from Canon, Nikon, Sony and whoever are compromises for cost and size. Basically trade offs. If you want "best" you'd be looking at medium format cameras. The small format cmars are all designed first for portability, handing and cost

The best sensor is not important because few people can afford it. So we have to say "best under $1,000" best under $4K or whatever. If you want "best" with no price limit then you have to look at ones like this That are not aimed at the consumer market.
Made by Sony though

Agree. But Sony's own Alpha camera's don't come close the D800 sensor. Nikon must be doing some magic there....


It's silly to even argue about "best". All 35mm size dSLRs from Canon, Nikon, Sony and whoever are compromises for cost and size. Basically trade offs. If you want "best" you'd be looking at medium format cameras. The small format cmars are all designed first for portability, handing and cost

The best sensor is not important because few people can afford it. So we have to say "best under $1,000" best under $4K or whatever. If you want "best" with no price limit then you have to look at ones like this That are not aimed at the consumer market.

I was responding to portable DSLR's...
Better yet pin hole cameras might just be the best camera ever with molecular resolution of the image medium...
Agree. But Sony's own Alpha camera's don't come close the D800 sensor. Nikon must be doing some magic there....


I was responding to portable DSLR's...
Better yet pin hole cameras might just be the best camera ever with molecular resolution of the image medium...

That's an interesting point you made. I'm happy with mine though, it hasn't let me down. Although I am waiting for a new version of the D4. D4S Maybe ?
I would certainly trade my D3X in for it.
That's an interesting point you made. I'm happy with mine though, it hasn't let me down. Although I am waiting for a new version of the D4. D4S Maybe ?
I would certainly trade my D3X in for it.

I have a D7000.. wondering about uprgrading to the D610....

My old D300 and the 70-200 2.8 was the best lens + camera combo I ever had.

I miss them both...
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