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macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Feb 18, 2008
Long-eye Land, NY
34% off retail ????

Is it me or is this a really drastic price drop ?

I mean Apple refurbished is the same as new to me.

Refurbished Apple TV with 40GB drive
Mac + PC
Wi-Fi 802.11 wireless
40GB hard drive for up to 50 hours video
Apple Remote

• Save 34% off the original price
Original price: $299.00
Your price: $199.00
Estimated Ship:
Within 24 hours
Free Shipping


Refurbished Apple TV with 160GB drive
Mac + PC
Wi-Fi 802.11 wireless
160GB hard drive for up to 200 hours video
Apple Remote

• Save 31% off the original price
Original price: $399.00
Your price: $279.00
Estimated Ship:
1-3 business days
Free Shipping
Apple always uses the original MSRP when calculating savings figures.
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