My current phone is on its way out, as is my contract with Verizon, so I'm in the market for a new cell phone and calling plan. I like the idea of a smartphone, but I don't really want to lug a big phone like the Treo 650 around with me when I'm not working, so I am looking at getting both a new phone (something to have on me at all times) and a PDA (something to give me access to my email and the internet when I am working).
So... does anyone have any thoughts on phone and PDA combinations that will have full functionality with my Mac via bluetooth?
Ideally the PDA would be able to connect to the internet by using the phone as a bluetooth modem, and the carrier would have a network that won't keep me waiting too long, and won't charge an arm and a leg for data connections. (I am in the U.S.)
My first thought is to go with a Razr (I love how small they are) and a Palm with bluetooth, but I don't love that the UI on the Razrs I have played with feels slow and clunky... is there something better out there?
Thanks in advance...
So... does anyone have any thoughts on phone and PDA combinations that will have full functionality with my Mac via bluetooth?
Ideally the PDA would be able to connect to the internet by using the phone as a bluetooth modem, and the carrier would have a network that won't keep me waiting too long, and won't charge an arm and a leg for data connections. (I am in the U.S.)
My first thought is to go with a Razr (I love how small they are) and a Palm with bluetooth, but I don't love that the UI on the Razrs I have played with feels slow and clunky... is there something better out there?
Thanks in advance...